Uses of Dibencozid

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Dibencozide drug belongs to the group of mineral and vitamin drugs, effective in supporting cases of malnourished children, anorexia, growth retardation. So what exactly is the effect of Dibencozide and what is it indicated for?

1. What is Dibencozide?

Dibencozide medicine has the main active ingredient Dibencozide and other excipients just enough. The drug is made in the form of nuggets with a light pink color and a strawberry aroma. The drug is packed into boxes, each box contains 10 packs of 1.5g.

2. Uses of the drug Dibencozide

2.1 Uses - indicated that Dibencozid has therapeutic effects in the following cases:
Support in the treatment of children with anorexia, malnutrition, growth retardation. Help patients recover from recurrent infections, digestive disorders after surgery, people who are convalescing after being seriously ill. Support body recovery in debilitated people and the elderly Help slow progression of benign muscle tone loss 2.2 Contraindications Dibencozide is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People with allergies or sensitivities Sensitivity to active ingredients Dibencozide People with a history of allergy to active ingredients Cobalamin such as vitamin B12 and related substances People with malignant tumors . Because Vitamin B12 can promote the growth of these tumors because it is related to the growth of tissues with high growth rate People with allergies, diseases such as asthma, Eczema Note: Contraindications are cases of absolute contraindication, that is, for any reason, such cases can be used flexibly to avoid affecting the user's health.

3. Usage and dosage of Dibencozid

How to use: Dibencozide is prepared in the form of powdered nuggets, so it should be used orally. Dissolve the nuggets in water with the appropriate amount of water. Do not mix the drug with liquids such as alcohol, beer, soft drinks.
For adults: use 3 to 6 packs per day, divided into 3 oral doses. For the elderly: take the same dose as adults For children: use 3 to 6 sachets per day, divided into 2 oral doses. Note: The above dosage is for reference only, because determining the correct dose depends on the health of each person's body. Therefore, users need to be examined and diagnosed, prescribed to get the most appropriate dose. After that, the patient should strictly adhere to the prescribed dose, not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose.
In case of missed dose: can be used as soon as remembered. However, if it is too close to your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue taking the correct dose for the time indicated in the prescription. Users should use the drug regularly to improve the condition.
In case of overdose: if it is discovered that they have overdosed and have unusual symptoms suspected of taking the drug, the patient should stop using the drug and notify the treating doctor immediately for treatment. timely advice and treatment.

4. Dibencozid side effects

While using the drug, in addition to the main effect that Dibencozide brings, users may also experience some unwanted symptoms such as:
Effects on the skin: itching, urticaria, skin erythema, causing edema skin, Quincke's edema, acne, Eczema, anaphylaxis Effects on urinary tract: cause urine discoloration Some other symptoms: headache, fever, bronchospasm, dizziness, nausea, oral angioedema - pharynx. Note: if the user notices that the body shows the above symptoms suspected of taking the drug, the user should immediately contact a doctor or pharmacist for a timely and effective diagnosis and treatment.

5. Interactions with Dibencozid

Interactions with Dibencozide can change the drug's ability to work or increase the effect of the drug's side effects. In order to minimize the bad interactions, patients should inform their doctors and pharmacists about the drugs and functional foods they are using. or increase or decrease the dose of the drug without the permission of the treating doctor. Especially:
Combined with antihistamines H, colchicine, neomycin, aminosalicylic acid: can reduce the absorption of vitamin B12 through the gastrointestinal tract. Concomitant use with oral contraceptives: may decrease serum vitamin B12 concentrations.

6. Some notes when using Dibencozid

Absolutely not for people with allergies, asthma, eczema to use the drug Use caution when using the drug if you are driving a train, vehicle or operating machinery. used in pregnancy For those who are breast-feeding, it is advisable to consult a doctor because there are no studies on this case. Do not use the medicine when the medicine has expired as indicated on the package, the medicine shows signs of watery, deformed. Hopefully, the information shared above about Dibencozid will help patients use the drug properly, intelligently and more effectively.

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