Children are lazy to eat after getting sick

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The article was professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Dang Huy Toan - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital
After the child is sick, the child's immune system has not recovered, the body is still tired, the digestive system is not stable, so most of the children are lazy to eat after being sick. If this situation is not improved, it will lead to the risk of children being malnourished and mentally retarded. Therefore, parents need to quickly find solutions to promptly improve the situation of children with anorexia.

1. Why is the baby lazy to eat after being sick?

Usually, the child's lack of appetite after illness occurs about a week after recovering from illness. If the child's anorexia after fever lasts longer, parents should learn the following causes to promptly overcome and treat them effectively:
The illness has not been completely cured: If the child still has anorexia after the illness. If it takes a long time, it is possible that the baby's body has not fully recovered. Therefore, parents should take their children to medical facilities for definitive examination and treatment. The long-term illness should not affect the child's physical and intellectual development in the future. Immune system has not completely recovered: A child who is lazy to eat after being sick is usually because the child's immune system is weakened, the body is still very tired from fighting the disease. Abuse of antibiotics during illness: When treating diseases, parents arbitrarily give their children a lot of antibiotics, leading to an imbalance of intestinal microflora, affecting digestion and absorption of nutrients. , making children anorexic and at risk of malnutrition. Parents abstain from giving children too much: In many cases when the baby is sick, parents cut back the child's diet by not giving him milk, only feeding white porridge with salt, causing the baby's body to become increasingly depressed. exhausted, unable to recover from illness. This is also the reason why children lose their appetite after fever.

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Bé lười ăn sau khi ốm dậy là vấn đề khiến cha mẹ lo lắng

2. How to stop your baby from being lazy to eat after being sick

In order for children to quickly regain their appetite, parents need to pay special attention to the selection of nutrition for children during this period. Absolutely do not force children to eat according to their own will by any means.
When the child has anorexia, it is advisable to give priority to the child to eat liquid or soft foods for easy digestion. In particular, it is necessary to prepare meals for children to meet daily nutritional needs, including protein, vitamins from meat, eggs, milk, fruit juice... Besides, avoid fatty foods , many ways for children to quickly recover health.
Moreover, the body of a child who has just recovered from the disease will often be tired and weak, making it impossible for the child to eat a large amount of food, so parents should not be impatient to force the child to eat too much but should divide it into meals. small.
When the child has shown signs of recovery, parents can gradually increase the consistency of food and the amount of food in a meal (preferably using solid food, then liquid food). When the child is completely healthy, then feed the child as usual.
According to nutritionists, if the child is lazy to eat after being sick, parents need to pay special attention to supplementing with micronutrients that help children eat naturally, improve metabolism and enhance absorption. nutrients such as zinc, lysine, taurine, vitamins of group B, omega 3, selenium of vegetable origin,...
In which, zinc and selenium of vegetable origin are two micronutrients that play an important role in improving nutrition. Improves natural appetite, enhances energy metabolism to help children absorb nutrients better and develop comprehensively.

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Trẻ biếng ăn sau khi sốt xảy ra trong khoảng 1 tuần sau khi khỏi bệnh
Parents should supplement their children with lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. Lysine is an essential amino acid for a child's development that the body cannot synthesize on its own. LaminKid contains 160 mg of lysine and many other nutrients that support the digestive system and enhance absorption. At the same time, LaminKid also works to support the immune system, enhance resistance, reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, flu... LaminKid is used for children who are lazy to eat after being sick. wake up, malabsorption, growth retardation, body emaciation, malnutrition. Children with poor resistance, or upper respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, sick children or just getting up can also use it. With natural ingredients, made in the form of nuggets and the strawberry flavor children love, LaminKid is a safe and effective supplement for babies who are lazy to eat after being sick.
When the baby is lazy to eat after being sick for a long time, the body is deficient and imbalanced in nutrition, the baby will become thin, lose weight, slow in growth, very easy to get sick again, even malnourished, stunting. Therefore, parents need to quickly take improvement measures to meet the nutritional needs of their children.
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