Child development at 36 months postpartum

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It's great because she will celebrate her third birthday this month – a new year with many exciting things waiting for her and her family members. When children go to school, they will often catch colds and middle ear infections. Help your child form good hygiene habits. Also, this is the time when your baby is independent enough that you can treat yourself to an overnight party with friends.

1. Happy 3rd birthday!

Your child begins to understand that she can manage her own things and put them away when she's done. Of course, you will still clean and gently remind your baby many times, asking her to put books on the shelf, crayons in the drawer and dirty clothes in the storage bin. But eventually, the baby will do it on his own. If she's shy about cleaning her toys, organize a little mom-and-baby game by setting a timer and playing some fun music – then have a competition to see who can clean up. play into position faster.
Baby is growing in confidence and isn't afraid to show it to you. She is proud of what she can do now: she can play with her preschool friends, repeat the activities she likes to do the most, and learn many new things.
You should continue to encourage your child to be a creative thinker. This means that you allow your child to express himself to you and do not belittle his opinions. Ask your child lots of open-ended questions and really listen to what your child has to say. If your child doesn't answer correctly or needs help coming up with an answer, this is a great time to gently steer him in the right direction.

Trẻ 36 tháng tuổi đã có thể tự làm một số việc theo yêu cầu của ba mẹ
Trẻ 36 tháng tuổi đã có thể tự làm một số việc theo yêu cầu của ba mẹ

Get your child involved in the arts - whether it's just activities like helping you bake a cake, painting a beautiful picture with your fingers, or taking part in a dance or music class in preschool young – these are good ways to help your baby develop creative thinking. Reading is always a great way to expand your baby's vision of the world around him. Multi-sensory activities and pretend play can bring loads of fun to your baby. The imaginative game is always the ideal game to nurture future creative thinkers.
To learn more about child psychology, you can refer to the article: Psychological characteristics of children aged 1 - 6 years old

2. Colds and ear infections

If your child has started kindergarten or daycare, you may find your child has more colds than usual. Babies are exposed to new germs, and viruses spread quickly in the classroom when other children cough or sneeze into the air or sneeze into their hands and then touch everything around them. Toys, tables, and other children can all be sources of germs.
Now is the time to establish personal hygiene and hand washing habits with your 3-year-old. Make sure your child understands that he or she should cough or sneeze into his elbow and always wash his hands after blowing his nose, coughing, sneezing, going to the toilet, and before eating. Teach your child to rub their hands while singing the ABC song to make sure they wash their hands enough time
If your baby has a stuffy nose, he or she will usually get an ear infection too. If your child has chronic otitis media, the doctor will probably treat your child with antibiotics - to treat ear infections caused by bacteria but not viruses (viral illnesses will clear up on their own with time) . If the infection persists and makes it difficult to treat, or your child begins to have hearing loss or speech delay, your pediatrician may recommend ear canal surgery, a common outpatient procedure.
Some things you can do to help your child avoid future infections are to keep them away from secondhand smoke, control any allergy and/or reflux problems, prevent infections respiratory tract (leading to ear infections). The best measure is to maintain good hygiene. You should also see your doctor to see if your baby's tonsils could be the cause of an ear infection.
Fortunately, most children recover from ear infections as they grow older and the structure of the inner ear changes.

Trẻ được chỉ định dùng thuốc kháng sinh để điều trị viêm tai giữa
Trẻ được chỉ định dùng thuốc kháng sinh để điều trị viêm tai giữa

3. Mother's Night

Sometimes mom needs to take a break from the housework, put dirty clothes in the bin, kiss her good night and enjoy a night away from home.
Going outside gives you a chance to recharge your body and mind. Even the most caring mom needs time to relax and unwind without her kids around. It is very good for mom to stop the chaos of work and socialize with friends or colleagues.
You think a night away from home is selfish and bad for your child? Quite the contrary, it will be good for your child to have someone else take care of him from time to time instead of you. If he's at home with his dad, who doesn't usually spend a lot of time with the kids, it's an opportunity for the two of you to have fun together (and he might even understand and appreciate everything you do. slightly higher).
If you're looking for something to do to relax, why not organize a night out for moms? It's not difficult and doesn't require a lot of planning - it just takes someone to take the initiative and stand up for the organization. There are many options you can make: organize some mini-games during the night; go to dinner with friends at a restaurant or cook a snack at someone's house; go to a souvenir pottery workshop; or meet at the spa for a massage.
It's important that you make time for yourself - and when you feel like you're rejuvenated and in good spirits, your whole family will benefit from that seemingly simple thing too!

Ba mẹ cần dành nhiều thời gian cho trẻ hơn
Ba mẹ cần dành nhiều thời gian cho trẻ hơn

For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiency causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption,... If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.

Reference source:
Patients Stories