Check out the common causes of menstrual pain

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Dysmenorrhea is a common symptom that occurs in women when menstruating. Depending on the location of each person, people will experience mild pain, severe menstrual cramps, and even fainting.

1. Learn about the menstrual cycle

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that occurs every month as the body prepares for conception. This phenomenon will occur once a month in women of reproductive age. In the early stages of the cycle, the uterus forms a lining of blood tissue to prepare for the egg from the ovary.
If this egg is fertilized, it will develop into a fetus. If fertilization does not occur, the lining of this blood tissue will shed and be pushed out through the vagina by the contraction of the uterus.
Most women have abdominal pain when it comes to their period. Dysmenorrhea usually begins before, during, and after menstruation. The pain usually lasts from 2 to 3 days, the first day is always the most painful. These pains are usually in the lower abdomen accompanied by back and thigh pain.
Some people will have only a dull ache that is not worrisome, but there are people who may experience severe menstrual pain, cold limbs, even writhing pain leading to a coma.

2. Why menstrual pain?

Đặt vòng tránh thai có thể là nguyên nhân đau bụng kinh
Đặt vòng tránh thai có thể là nguyên nhân đau bụng kinh

Dysmenorrhea has many causes:
It can be caused by too strong contractions of the muscles in the uterus to push the menstrual blood out. Some women have a narrow cervix that makes it difficult for menstrual blood to come out, which is also the cause of menstrual pain. Due to birth defects in the uterus such as the uterus leaning backward or forward, affecting the circulation of menstrual blood, causing dysmenorrhea. Due to genetics from mother to child, many studies show that most mothers with dysmenorrhea, when giving birth, their daughters will have pain when it is time to menstruate. Due to the IUD. Due to an unscientific diet during menstruation, such as eating hot spicy food, eating cold food, the abdomen is not kept warm... Due to hormonal changes such as: Abnormal increase in progesterone and prostaglandins in the blood. to the uterus. Dysmenorrhea can be caused by a number of gynecological diseases such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, uterine muscle cysts... this is also the main cause of abdominal pain. intense horror. Due to excessive exercise during menstruation.

3. What to do to reduce menstrual pain effectively?

Chườm ấm bụng và nằm thư giãn là một cách giảm đau bụng kinh hiệu quả
Chườm ấm bụng và nằm thư giãn là một cách giảm đau bụng kinh hiệu quả

You can apply the following simple ways to relieve menstrual pain, it will be very effective:
Warm the abdomen: You can use a thermos bag or put warm water in a bottle and then gently apply it on the lower abdomen. This is considered the most effective method in relieving menstrual pain. Abdominal massage: If you have dull abdominal pain, mild pain, you can use this method. Place your hands on your lower abdomen and gently massage in a circular motion. This method both helps reduce sudden contractions of the uterus and effectively relieves menstrual pain. Clean hygiene during the days of menstruation, take a bath with warm water on these sensitive days. Do not take a cold shower. Especially do not have sex on these days. Don't overdo it or exercise too hard: During your period, you shouldn't work too hard, you shouldn't play sports that move too hard. You should rest and have light and moderate activities. Keeping the body warm: Keeping the body warm will help blood circulate more easily, the muscles will relax, the contraction process of the uterus will also take place more gently, surely the pain will be relieved. Scientific diet: You should add vitamins and minerals that contain a lot of calcium such as fruits, vegetables, fish, .. Menstrual cramps will come in waves, so you should not let them If your stomach is too hungry or you eat too much, it will also make you more prone to stomach pain. You also need to limit eating spicy foods. Taking pain relievers: This is a reluctant method you can apply when all the above methods you have tried have not worked. The reason is called a reluctant method because when using a lot of pain relievers can cause some side effects that affect health, moreover, they only have an immediate effect. If you are experiencing severe menstrual pain for a long time, the pain is persistent, then you should see your doctor right away for examination and the most appropriate treatment method. When it's time for your period, let your mind rest. At the same time, you should practice sports regularly with gentle exercises such as walking, yoga. This will be very helpful in increasing blood flow to the back and pelvis. This will help reduce pain effectively.

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