Changes in pregnant women at week 20

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.
A pregnant woman at 20 weeks pregnant is already halfway through her pregnancy. The fetus begins to move, move and kick the mother more often. The abdomen grows large and the belly button may protrude slightly because of the pressure pushing out from the uterus.

1. What's special about 20 weeks pregnant?

20 weeks pregnant is the middle stage of pregnancy. The mother's uterus is now starting to grow to the level of the navel area. The waistline gradually disappears, signaling that the fetus is growing steadily in the womb. The urinary tract muscles relax, making it easier for a 20-week pregnant woman to enter bacteria and cause bladder infections. Mother's breathing will be deeper and the body will sweat more than usual because of the overactive thyroid.
The 20th week fetus begins to be able to hear sounds, such as the mother's voice, heartbeat and stomach contractions, as well as sounds outside the body. The baby will cover his ears if he hears loud sounds coming from near outside, he may even be startled and "jump up". In addition, in the 20th week of pregnancy, pregnant women also feel more clearly the movements of the fetus, such as twisting, turning, wiggling, stretching, and even kicks on the mother's abdomen.

Trắc nghiệm: Tại sao khi mang thai có người rạn da, người thì không?

Hầu như mẹ bầu nào cũng sẽ bị rạn da khi mang thai, nhưng một số lại không gặp tình trạng này. Vậy nguyên nhân là do đâu? Làm bài trắc nghiệm sau sẽ giúp bạn giải đáp thắc mắc này.

2. How does a pregnant woman's body at week 20 change?

During the 20th week of pregnancy, uncomfortable symptoms such as back pain and knee fatigue begin to appear. In this case, pregnant women should pay more attention to posture. Avoid standing for too long. Sit in a chair with a backrest, a place to rest your legs, and you can add a pillow behind your back. When sleeping, pregnant women should put a small pillow behind, below the waist. Avoid lifting objects that are too heavy.
Sometimes pregnant women have cravings for certain foods and feel hunger strikes more often. The pregnant belly in the 20th week of pregnancy grows big enough for the pregnant woman to wear the clothes for pregnant women, hugging the belly in a snug way. The feeling with the baby also becomes more real.

3. Common symptoms in 20 weeks pregnant women

Heartburn and indigestion If you experience heartburn and indigestion, try chewing a sugar-free gum after a meal. The increased amount of saliva helps to neutralize stomach acid and limit gastroesophageal reflux.
Dizziness, headache and fainting Pregnant women in the 20th week often have dizziness and headaches, especially when the weather is hot, the space is stuffy or the room has no ventilation window. To overcome this situation, pregnant women should rest in a well-ventilated space, with plenty of air, wear loose clothes and add a protective jacket to avoid hot weather causing headaches.

Chuột rút chân là triệu chứng thường gặp ở bà bầu
Chuột rút chân là triệu chứng thường gặp ở bà bầu
Leg cramps Leg cramps can be caused by compressed blood vessels in the legs (resulting from weight gain and an enlarged abdomen). To minimize cramps, help blood circulate more easily, pregnant women should elevate their legs in a lying position and drink plenty of water.
Edema (swelling in the feet and ankles) Swelling in the feet and ankles can lead to pain. If this is the case, pregnant women at 20 weeks should wear comfortable shoes that fit their feet. Also, avoid wearing tight socks or pants.
Protruding belly button During the 20th week of pregnancy, the navel may protrude outside the abdomen as the uterus grows larger, pushing the abdomen and navel forward. This situation makes many pregnant women feel uncomfortable, but after giving birth, the navel will return to its original position.

4. Advice for pregnant women at 20 weeks

4.1. Ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby Many women do not want to wait until their due date to find out if they are having a boy or a girl. In fact, 20 weeks pregnant is when the doctor can perform a fetal ultrasound to know if it is a boy or a girl in the womb. However, the results of determining the baby's sex are still subject to error and uncertainty until the day the baby is born. Therefore, despite knowing the sex of the baby in advance, pregnant women should still be prepared to not be too surprised if the baby's sex is not the same as predicted.
4.2. Feeling the movements of the fetus For women who have had a baby for the first time, around 18-20 weeks is when the first movements of the fetus begin to appear and can be clearly felt. These movements are a sign that your baby is developing healthily.
4.3. Consider carefully before long trips Pregnant women should only go far (long-distance travel) in case they have to. Pregnancy in the second trimester is the cause of many serious car accidents. Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and loss of concentration will greatly affect the movement of pregnant women. On the other hand, long trips carry the potential for many unexpected events, such as epidemics, affecting the health of mother and fetus.
4.4. Limiting excessive exercise One of the common symptoms of pregnancy in the 20th week of pregnancy is muscle tension and loose ligaments, which can easily lead to injury when exercising, especially when performing too heavy movements. overworked. If you feel pain, you should stop and rest. Even if there is no pain, pregnant women should still exercise moderately and focus on resting.
4.5. Moderate weight gain During pregnancy, pregnant women must increase energy for the whole baby. However, this does not mean that pregnant women have to eat twice as much as usual.
Pregnant women gain weight is a sign that the baby in the belly is growing well and growing up. However, by the 20th week of pregnancy, pregnant women should only gain an average of 0.5 kg per week (depending on the doctor's advice). Moreover, pregnant women should choose healthy foods, increase green vegetables and fruits. A reasonable and scientific diet will help pregnant women gain moderate weight at 20 weeks, and at the same time can easily regain their pre-pregnancy shape.
4.6. Iron supplements Pregnant women at 20 weeks pregnant should increase iron supplements because the iron reserves at this time are almost exhausted due to serving the needs of the baby's development. This puts pregnant women at risk for anemia or other symptoms of iron deficiency.
In fact, almost all pregnant women are susceptible to anemia, especially those who have recently given birth, are carrying multiples, or are undernourished at any point during their period. Pregnant women can supplement iron through some supplement products, iron-rich foods, combined with foods high in vitamin C.

Bà bầu mang thai tuần 20 nên tăng cường bổ sung sắt
Bà bầu mang thai tuần 20 nên tăng cường bổ sung sắt
4.7. Do not sit or stand for too long If you have to spend many hours sitting to work (or have to constantly walk), change your position for 5-10 minutes after every working hour. By getting up and walking out into the hallway or doing some stretching of the arms and legs, pregnant women can improve blood circulation and prevent symptoms such as edema, muscle tension, and varicose veins.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package Maternity Care Program for pregnant women right from the first months of pregnancy with a full range of antenatal care visits, periodical 3D and 4D ultrasounds and routine tests to ensure that the mother is healthy and the fetus is developing comprehensively. Pregnant women will no longer be alone when entering labor because having a loved one to help them during childbirth always brings peace of mind and happiness.
In addition to regular check-ups, pregnant women will also be advised on nutrition and exercise so that the mother can gain weight reasonably while the fetus still absorbs nutrients well. Health checks under the close supervision of experienced and specialized obstetricians help mothers gain more knowledge to protect their health during pregnancy as well as minimize complications affecting the mother. and child.
Master. Doctor. Ly Thi Thanh Nha has worked at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital and Quang Tri Provincial General Hospital before working at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital as it is today. Dr. Nha has strengths and experience in diagnosing, monitoring and treating pregnancy, pregnancy pathology. Pregnancy screening. Perform caesarean section techniques. Laparoscopic surgery to treat ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy.

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Article reference source:, whattoexpect,
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