Causes of repeated failed embryo transfer

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Video content is professionally consulted by BCSK I Ho Trung Hieu, Reproductive Support Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

In fact, there are many reasons leading to embryo transfer failure when doing in vitro fertilization such as: The woman has uterine adhesions, the embryo quality is not high, the uterine lining is thin, and the fibroids are submucosal. .. or maternal immune disorders after embryo transfer.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology applied to infertile couples, the success rate of the technique depends on many factors, but not excluded. the possibility of failure and having to do it again. There are many cases of successful implementation of 1 time, but also cases of embryo transfer failed many times, embryo transfer failed 2 times.
Although fertilization occurs in the lab and embryos develop well in the tube, many women have experienced multiple IVF failures when embryo transfer fails.
When the egg and sperm fuse, the embryo is rapidly formed and divided and reaches the uterus during the blastocyst stage (or on day 5 post-embryo transfer in the IVF cycle). Once in the uterus, the blastocyst begins to come into contact with the uterine lining by secreting protein molecules. If the embryo is qualified, the uterine lining is receptive and has a high success rate in implantation.
If a woman has failed multiple embryo transfers or failed 2 or more embryo transfers, it is most likely due to: The embryo is not good enough (genetically abnormal) or the lining of the uterus is not able to accept ( does not allow sufficient implantation). During IVF, the doctor will inject hormones to fertilize the egg and form an embryo. Hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are also used to make the uterus ready to accept the embryo. Women are also recommended to achieve the best state of health.
Reasons for embryo transfer failure can be:
Embryos are not of the best quality; The uterus does not accept the embryo; The environment is not favorable enough (mother's health, physical or mental stress is too high; In other rare cases, factors that can contribute to failure after day 5 embryo transfer include : Improper embryo implantation (difficult or damaged embryo transfer) or sudden environmental change (eg, intrauterine infection); It is a fact that young women have a higher rate of embryo implantation success. This is because eggs from older women are more susceptible to genetic defects, such as aneuploidies (presence of the wrong number of chromosomes) and contain incorrect genetic information or is not necessary to develop into a healthy embryo.Although the egg is fertilized, it will result in the creation of a genetically incompetent embryo, which cannot be implanted, or an early miscarriage. important cause embryo transfer to fail many times.

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