Causes of lung fungus formation

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Lung fungus is a rare disease in people with good immune systems. Pneumonia is a lung infection that is difficult to diagnose and easily confused with other pneumonias. If not diagnosed and treated promptly, patients with pneumonia are at high risk of death.

1. What is lung fungus?

Lung fungus is a lung disease caused by a fungus. This is an infection of the lungs that can be caused by one or more fungi. Most fungi are just opportunistic parasites, but when there are favorable conditions, such as excessive use of antibiotics, prolonged use of corticosteroids, or people with weakened immune systems (with HIV/AIDS). ...
Lung disease is caused by many types of fungi, but the most common are Aspergillus and Histoplasma.

2. Is lung fungus dangerous?

Lung fungal disease is a dangerous disease because the diagnosis of lung disease caused by fungi is difficult and easy to be confused because the symptoms of lung fungus are very similar to the signs of other pneumonia diseases. Therefore, the treatment of patients with lung fungus is also very easy to go wrong, making the disease worse. In addition, the air is the main infection route of fungi, people who breathe in the fungal spores in the air, into the lungs, if they meet favorable conditions, they will develop and cause disease.
Having fungal lung disease if not diagnosed and treated promptly can put the patient at high risk of death.

Hình ảnh nấm phổi
Hình ảnh nấm phổi

3. Symptoms of lung fungal disease

The signs of pneumonitis are often atypical and easily confused with other inflammatory diseases of the lung, such as pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis... Manifestations of pneumonitis depend on the causative agent of the disease. .
Some common symptoms in patients with lung fungus include:
Most patients have a persistent high fever Dry cough Chest pain, chest discomfort Lung disease caused by aspergillosis often affects people. hemoptysis Swollen lymph nodes and airway obstruction caused by endemic fungal diseases Fatigue Weight loss Shortness of breath

Bệnh nấm phổi gây ra các cơn ho khan
Bệnh nấm phổi gây ra các cơn ho khan

Lung fungal disease, if not treated, the fungal spores will spread to other parts and cause disease, such as brain fungus (meningitis, brain abscess), myositis, skin lesions... especially In particular, patients are at high risk for fungal infections. Long-term lung fungus puts patients at high risk of serious complications such as uncontrolled coughing up blood, poor health, and life-threatening illness.

4. Causes of pulmonary fungal disease

Lung diseases are classified into two main categories:
Classical fungal infections (Cryptococcus, Histoplasmoses) Opportunistic fungal infections (Candida, Aspergillus). Aspergillus, Candida and Cryptococcus are the three most common lung pathogens.
Lung fungal disease is common in patients with impaired resistance to disease, weakened immune system, or metabolic disorders, nutritional disorders, or blood diseases, the fungus will develop. in cavities that are damaged or existing or caused by necrosis.
A number of factors make opportunistic fungi have conditions to grow and cause mycosis, including:
Patients who have had tuberculosis for a long time Using corticosteroids for a long time or using immunosuppressive drugs to treat People with weakened immune system (HIV/AIDS infection or organ transplant) Lung thrush is not a contagious disease, it is caused by inhaling fungal spores, which are present in the air.

Nhiễm nấm cơ hội Candida
Nhiễm nấm cơ hội Candida

5. Subjects at risk of lung fungal disease

Certain factors put you at high risk for pneumococcal disease, such as:
Long-term use of corticosteroids Patients with acute leukemia or lymphoma Patients receiving organ transplants Persistent leukopenia Long-term Immune system deficiency Congenital immunodeficiency

6. Prevention of lung fungal disease

The prevention of pulmonary fungal pathogens is really difficult because they are everywhere, from water sources, air... According to medical experts, in order to actively prevent lung fungal diseases, they We need to improve the resistance of each individual, such as regularly exercising, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Patients at high risk of lung fungus need to be raised with awareness, quickly diagnosed and treated promptly, to avoid spreading to the community.
The objects in the house need to be cleaned, to avoid mold, arrange furniture neatly to avoid getting wet.

Nâng cao sức đề kháng bằng cách luyện tập thể dục
Nâng cao sức đề kháng bằng cách luyện tập thể dục

Need to scrape off and paint the walls that are moldy. Keep the house clean, avoid food spillage in the house. You should wear a mask when cleaning the house to avoid inhaling the fungus.
Patients with pneumonitis are often difficult to diagnose, easily confused with other inflammatory lung diseases because the symptoms of the disease are often atypical and very similar to the symptoms of other pneumonia. Therefore, when detecting any signs of the disease, you need to immediately go to reputable medical facilities for timely examination, diagnosis and treatment, to avoid dangerous complications.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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