Causes of hand numbness in the last month of pregnancy

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Article by Doctor Ta Quoc Ban - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.

Pregnant women in the last months of pregnancy suffer from many health problems such as back pain, constipation, numbness in the hands... Numbness in the hands during pregnancy is not a serious problem for the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus, however. significant impact on the life of pregnant women.

1. Numb hands during pregnancy

Entering the last stage of pregnancy, the mother's body experiences many changes from weight, physique, living habits... In which hand numbness is one of the common conditions.
Numbness in the hands during the last month of pregnancy is the feeling that thousands of needles are pricked in the hand, causing pain, discomfort, and discomfort to the pregnant mother. Initially, hand numbness begins in the ring finger, thumb, and then the middle finger. Gradually increasing in both intensity and level, the first feeling is numbness and tingling in the fingertips like being bitten by an ant. More severe is the hot, painful condition along the arm.
Usually hand numbness during pregnancy will take place for a short time and can go away on its own. However, if the condition lasts 3-4 months, accompanied by pain and discomfort, pregnant women should see a doctor to control the disease in time.

Trắc nghiệm: Tìm hiểu về tình trạng tê tay khi mang thai tháng cuối

Bà bầu bị tê chân tay thường không phải vấn đề nghiêm trọng đối với sức khỏe nhưng ảnh hưởng khá nhiều đến cuộc sống hàng ngày. Bài trắc nghiệm sau sẽ phần nào giúp mẹ bầu nhận biết cũng như có hướng xử trí thích hợp khi gặp phải tình trạng này.

2. Causes of hand numbness during pregnancy

Numbness in the hands during the last month of pregnancy due to a blockage in the palmar groove, making the blood vessels unable to circulate. The limbs of the hands, fingertips and nerves are also compressed excessively, causing the pregnant mother to feel numb and painful. The causes of hand numbness during pregnancy in the last month include:
Weight gain: Pregnant women who gain weight too quickly often face numbness in their hands due to pinched blood vessels and poor circulation. To improve this condition, pregnant women can gently massage the fingers to reduce symptoms of the disease.

Mẹ bầu tăng cân có thể gây tình trạng tê tay
Mẹ bầu tăng cân có thể gây tình trạng tê tay

Lack of vitamins and minerals Nutritional needs during pregnancy are great to ensure the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. In case a pregnant woman lacks vitamins and minerals, especially folic acid, magnesium, calcium, B1, B2, it can lead to a lack of nutrients in the body, a decrease in resistance, and a lack of blood circulation, causing fingers and hand joints to fail. numb.

Pregnant women have comorbid conditions Ear numbness during pregnancy occurs more often in pregnant women with diseases such as:
Gestational diabetes, obesity, high blood fat... Lack of water causes stagnation of organs. topical lactate products. Anemia, hypoglycemia Nervous disorders... Due to lack of exercise Along with that, the growth of the fetus presses on the lower body arteries, preventing blood circulation throughout the body.
Besides, pregnancy in the last months makes it difficult for pregnant women to move. Peripheral areas of the body such as hands and feet are not supplied with as flexible blood as when exercising, making the symptoms of numbness more common.

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Mẹ bầu ít vận động khiến việc lưu thông máu gặp cản trở

3. How to limit hand numbness in the last month of pregnancy

To limit hand numbness in the last month of pregnancy, pregnant women can apply some of the following measures:
Vitamin and mineral supplements: Calcium 800-1000mg/day; Folic acid 400mcg/day; Vitamin A 800 mcg/day; Vitamin D10mcg/day; Vitamin B21.4 mg/day; Vitamin C 80mg/day, Zinc 15mg/day... Eggs, Milk, green vegetables, cereals, nuts, fruits... are a source of essential vitamins and minerals for pregnant women. Lying on a soft bed with lots of pillows helps pregnant women to be comfortable when changing positions and safe for the fetus. Gentle exercise such as walking, stretching exercises, low back, arms and legs. Pregnant women can refer to yoga exercises for pregnant women that will help blood circulation, increase flexibility and reduce stiffness. Change position: Sedentary is one of the causes of hand numbness during pregnancy. Therefore, to reduce symptoms, pregnant women should limit standing still, sleeping in one position. Instead, pregnant women should lie on their left side, often change positions, raise their legs while sleeping to both reduce pain and reduce edema. Massage palms, soak hands - feet in warm water will help reduce the symptoms of hand numbness in the last month of pregnancy significantly.

Ngâm chân vào nước ấm giúp giảm tình trạng tê nhức khi mang thai
Ngâm chân vào nước ấm giúp giảm tình trạng tê nhức khi mang thai

To protect the health of pregnant women and their babies during pregnancy, Vinmec International General Hospital provides a package of maternity services as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team. doctor throughout pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of highly qualified doctors Regular check-ups, early detection of abnormalities The package pregnancy helps to facilitate Convenience for the birthing process Newborns receive comprehensive care To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register Check online HERE.
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