Causes and symptoms of schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a severe, slowly progressive psychosis with a chronic tendency. Schizophrenia makes the patient gradually separate from the outside life, withdrawing; The ability to study and work is getting worse and worse, having strange and confusing behaviors and thoughts. Learn about the causes and symptoms of schizophrenia through this article.

1. What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a group of diseases or a combination of syndromes including:
Schizophrenia, also known as schizophrenia officially. Schizophrenia-type disorders. Disorders closely related to schizophrenia such as: Acute psychotic disorders, schizoaffective disorders. Currently, 1 in 100 people has this disease. Schizophrenia can manifest in many different forms, but they all share the same feature of affecting mental activities and in the long run can change the personality of the person.
Schizophrenia usually begins in young people and usually lasts a lifetime. The disease has a rapid onset, with acute symptoms appearing over several weeks, or may have a gradual onset over many months or years.
During the illness, the patient often becomes alienated from others, doesn't talk much.

Trong thời gian mắc bệnh, bệnh nhân thường trở nên xa lánh những người khác, ít nói chuyện
Trong thời gian mắc bệnh, bệnh nhân thường trở nên xa lánh những người khác, ít nói chuyện

2. Causes of schizophrenia

The cause of schizophrenia has not yet been determined. The disease is thought to be caused by a combination of different factors:

2.1. Genetic factors

Schizophrenia tends to run in families. In the general population, the prevalence is 1%, but if parents have a history of schizophrenia, the incidence in children increases to 12%.

2.2. Biochemical factors

Certain brain chemicals are thought to contribute to this disease, particularly Dopamine.

2.3. Family factor

There is currently no evidence to confirm that disorders in family relationships can cause schizophrenia. However, it has been observed that patients with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if the atmosphere in the family is tense and pressured.

2.4. Environmental factors

It has been found that a stressful environment can contribute to the onset and progression of schizophrenia.

3. Symptoms of schizophrenia

The most important schizophrenic symptoms include:

3.1. Paranoia

Those are false ideas, which are not consistent with reality caused by mental illness, but which the patient thinks is completely true, cannot be explained or criticized. The content of schizophrenia paranoid is very diverse, But the most common are:
Delusions of pride: For example, the patient thinks that he or she can command the army even though the patient has never been in the army, or thinks that he can cure difficult diseases such as Cancer even though he never studied medicine... Paranoid of harm: For example, the patient thinks that people around him, family members or acquaintances are trying to poison, plot to harm him... Paranoid Being dominated: For example, the patient thinks that there is an invisible force that is controlling all his thoughts or actions... From the above delusions, the patient will have a number of reactions depending on the content. paranoia, for example, patients will avoid eating meals with their family and cook for themselves if they suspect someone is trying to poison them.

Hoang tưởng là những ý tưởng sai lầm, không phù hợp với thực tế do bệnh tâm thần gây ra
Hoang tưởng là những ý tưởng sai lầm, không phù hợp với thực tế do bệnh tâm thần gây ra

3.2. phantom sound

Is one or more imaginary voices ringing in the patient's head or in the patient's ears. The content of the virtual sound is usually: Threatening, accusing, cursing or mocking the patient.
Depending on the content of the hallucinogen, the patient will have some different reactions, for example covering the ears when the content of the hallucinogen is cursing, defending or protesting if the content of the hallucinogen is threatening..

3.3. Thinking disorder

The patient's speech becomes difficult to understand, the patient suddenly stops talking and then continues the old topic or talks after a while. Sometimes sick people talk so wildly that the audience doesn't understand what they mean.

3.4. Losing the will to work

First of all, people who already have schizophrenia will not be able to continue to work well at work or do well in school. If they are heavier, they will no longer be able to do daily tasks such as housework, washing, cooking... and most importantly, they will not pay attention to personal hygiene, not bathing, eating and drinking. poor ...
Attention: This condition is caused by disease and not by lazy patient.

3.5. Reduced expression of affection

The patient's ability to express emotions is greatly reduced. They either will not react to happy events, or vice versa, to happy events, the patient is sad and to sad events, the patient appears happy.

3.6. Social isolation

Patients with schizophrenia often do not want to interact with others, even family members who do not want to talk. This may be because the person's ability to talk is impaired due to the illness. , or because they do not want to talk to others because they have delusions of fear that others will harm them.

3.7. Not realizing that I'm sick

Usually many people with schizophrenia do not think they are sick, so they may refuse to go to the doctor for treatment.
If the patient has one or more of the above symptoms, the family members need to find a way to convince the patient to go to the psychiatrist for examination and treatment as soon as possible.
Some patients with schizophrenia recover, or treatment can relieve symptoms. However, in many cases it is a long-term illness that results in symptoms of inactivity for many years.

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