Canvey suppositories are used for pregnant and lactating women?

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The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Trinh Thi Thanh Huyen - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Canvey is a prescription medicine, often prescribed by doctors in the treatment of vaginitis caused by bacterial and fungal agents. So canvey is used for pregnant women or not?

1. What is a canvey?

Canvey is a prescription medicine, often prescribed by doctors in the treatment of vaginitis caused by bacterial and fungal agents. Canvey is a combination of active ingredients that prevents vaginitis caused by various agents.
Ingredients in each canvey tablet:
225mg metronidazole 100mg chloramphenicol 75mg nystatin 0.5mg dexamethasone acetate Dosage form: vaginal tablet, light yellow, bullet-shaped, oblong tablet.
Packing: box of 2 blisters, each blister contains 5 pills.

2. The effect of canvey suppositories

Canvey suppositories belong to the list of prescription drugs, so you are not allowed to buy them on your own, but must follow your doctor's prescription. Canvey is indicated in the following cases:
Vaginal infections Itching, vaginitis with white discharge from various causes Vaginal itching Vaginitis due to Trichomonas and other mixed causes Prophylaxis of vaginal yeast infections.

3. Instructions for using canvey suppositories

Dosage: Canvey suppositories are highly effective in treating vaginal infections if used correctly and at the right dose. Therefore, patients absolutely must not increase or decrease the dose of the drug on their own, but must always adhere to the dose prescribed by the doctor. For bacterial vaginosis due to many causes, it is necessary to use: 1 time / day x 10 -12 days and use at night before going to bed. Trichomonas vaginitis: 1 time / day x 10 -12 days and use at night before going to bed. Prophylaxis against vaginal yeast infections: 1 time/day x 7-10 days and use at night before going to bed. Instructions for placing the medicine: put the medicine in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Clean hands and vagina with a cleaning solution, pay attention to wash gently, do not go deep inside. You lie on your back in the obstetric position with your legs wide apart, knees bent. Then insert the pill into the vagina. Use your fingers to push the medicine into the vagina as deeply as possible for the drug to work maximum. Then you need to lie still for at least 20 minutes.
To ensure effectiveness, you should put the medicine in the evening before going to bed 5-10 minutes. After applying the medication, wash your hands thoroughly. To avoid causing damage to the mucosa, you should trim your fingernails or wear rubber gloves during manipulation.
Some unwanted reactions may be encountered during the use of canvey: itching, vaginal irritation, rash. You should immediately contact the nearest medical facility when you have any unusual symptoms caused by canvey suppositories for timely treatment.

4. Can the canvey be used for pregnant women?

Canvey be used for pregnant women? Pregnancy is a hard and difficult journey, women face many risks during this process. In particular, vaginitis is a common condition encountered in pregnant women.
Because during pregnancy, the mother's hormones increase, the discharge is more, the vaginal pH environment changes, ... From there, making it easier for bacteria and fungi to penetrate and cause infection. should be infected. On the other hand, the use of drugs in pregnant women needs to be cautious. Therefore, many pregnant women with vaginitis are worried when they are prescribed drugs, they wonder if canvey can be used for pregnant women?
Canvey is a combination of 4 active ingredients (metronidazole, chloramphenicol, nystatin and dexamethasone acetate) with local effects, little systemic effect, so it does not affect the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women can rest assured when using canvey suppositories. In addition, during pregnancy, pregnant women need to pay attention to keep the intimate area clean, wear cool underwear, and change underwear every 3 months. Do not use highly antibacterial soaps to douche the intimate area. Pregnant women also need to pay attention to regular antenatal check-ups to detect and treat gynecological infections before giving birth.

5. Can the canvey be used for breastfeeding women?

In addition to the problems during pregnancy, whether the canvey can be used by breastfeeding women is also of great interest to many women, because this is also a subject that is very susceptible to gynecological infections.
In fact, there are some drugs that are excreted in breast milk and enter the baby's body while breastfeeding, thereby potentially causing poisoning for the baby. Therefore, many mothers worry when they have to take medicine to treat diseases during breastfeeding. Women with vaginal infections are often prescribed canvey suppositories, because of their high effectiveness against pathogens that cause vaginal infections (bacteria, fungi). So canvey is excreted in breast milk, can the drug canvey be used for breastfeeding women? Canvey is a vaginal suppository, not to be taken by mouth. Therefore, the drug mainly acts locally, has little systemic effect and the concentration of the drug in the blood is very low, so it does not affect the baby much. According to the manufacturer's instructions, canvey is not contraindicated for this object. Therefore, the drug can be used for nursing mothers. However, it should be noted that the drug should be taken away from the feeding time of the baby.

6. Pay attention when using canvey

To use canvey pills safely and effectively, you need to pay attention to the following issues:
Stop having sex while taking the drug. Pills can reduce the effectiveness of birth control methods such as diaphragms and condoms. Use caution when using canvey in subjects with liver and kidney failure. Canvey can cause interactions with some drugs when taken at the same time (alcol, disulfurame, warfarin, phenobarbital, vecuronium, ...). Therefore, it is necessary to inform your doctor about all medicines you are taking, including herbs, vitamins, etc. Similar to other medicines, you need to store your canvey properly. to optimize efficiency. Keep the medicine in a dry place, at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, out of reach of children. Do not use the medicine when there are signs of damage, color change, expiry date.
Canvey suppository is a prescription drug, often prescribed by doctors in the treatment of vaginitis caused by bacterial and fungal agents. The drug can be used in pregnant and lactating women. However, to ensure effectiveness and avoid side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

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