Can people with high blood pressure stop taking medication?

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Hello doctor. I am male, 50 years old. In the past, due to frequent use of alcohol, blood pressure was higher than normal. I have been taking medication for high blood pressure (long time using Amlodipine 5mg, dose 1 tablet/day). Recently, the blood pressure has been reduced to 60/100 or less. Can I ask my doctor if I have high blood pressure to stop taking the medicine? Thank you very much for your advice.
Dao Ngoc Bao , 1970
Hello. First of all, I would like to answer that you have been taking Amlodipine 5mg/day for a while to control your blood pressure. So your blood pressure is now under control due to the effect of blood pressure medication.
Recently you have limited alcohol, which is a good thing and beneficial for your blood pressure control and heart health.
With the symptom condition as you describe, we will not be able to conclude whether high blood pressure can stop taking the drug. The decision to stop the drug depends on the doctor's overall assessment (cardiologist examination, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring using a blood pressure Holter device, assessment of associated risk factors such as: metabolic disorder). lipid metabolism, blood sugar), echocardiography, ...). After an overall assessment of your heart health, your doctor will advise you on whether to continue taking the medication, stop it, or change to another class of medication.
For hypertension, over time, the patient always tends to increase in blood pressure value, periodic monitoring and examination will help control blood pressure optimally, besides controlling cardiac factors. other circuit.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions about Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Doctor Le Duc Hiep - Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Intervention - Cardiology Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
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