Home Tag High blood pressure medication

Articles in High blood pressure medication

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Instructions for taking blood pressure medication correctly
For patients with high blood pressure, in addition to lifestyle changes, it is necessary to adhere to treatment and follow up with the doctor's appointment to be able to control blood pressure stably to avoid serious complications and complications.
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Uses of Dogmatil
Dogmatil is a prescription neuroleptic, antidepressant, indicated for cases of depression or irritable bowel syndrome. The main active ingredient in the drug is Sulpiride.
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Uses of Sectral
The active ingredient Sectral is acebutolol, which belongs to the group of beta-blockers. Gong acts on the heart and blood vessels with the mechanism of slowing down the heart's activity by blocking the signals sent by certain nerves to the heart. As a result, the heart beats more slowly, allowing blood pressure to be reduced in the blood vessels, while also helping to prevent rapid and irregular heartbeats in people with arrhythmias.
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What are the side effects of Apresazide?
Apresazide is commonly used to treat high blood pressure. So how should Apresazide be used and which patients should use it?
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Uses of the drug Nifephabaco
Nifephabaco is a group of drugs indicated in the treatment of angina, including primary or secondary hypertension. So what is Nifephabaco drug? What are the uses of Nifephabaco? What is the correct way to drink? The following article will help you better understand the uses of Nifephabaco and the notes when using Nifephabaco.
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Can people with high blood pressure stop taking medication?
Hi doctor. I am male, 50 years old. In the past, due to frequent alcohol use, blood pressure was higher than normal. I have been taking medication for high blood pressure (long time using Amlodipine 5mg, dose 1 tablet/day).
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How to stabilize blood pressure for people with high blood pressure?
I have high blood pressure from 145 - 180. The doctor told me how to stabilize blood pressure for people with high blood pressure? What medicine can I buy now?
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Does normal blood pressure need to take blood pressure medication anymore?
I have high blood pressure and mixed hyperlipidemia with medication, after 1 month I have my blood pressure measured and re-tested, the results are within normal limits. The doctor asked me if my blood pressure is normal, do I need to take medicine for high blood pressure? Thank you doctor.
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What is the right diet for people with high blood pressure?
My father has never had high blood pressure before, 2 days ago his blood pressure increased by 200. So please give me advice on a reasonable diet for people with high blood pressure like? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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What medicine should a person with high blood pressure take?
Hello pharmacist, My father is 51 years old with high blood pressure. So the pharmacist told me what medicine should a patient with high blood pressure take? Thank you.
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