Can people with diabetes drink sugarcane juice?

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Sugarcane juice is a natural drink popularly used in parts of India, Africa and Asia. It has many health benefits. In traditional oriental medicine, sugarcane juice is used to treat liver, kidney and other diseases. Some people even believe that sugarcane juice is useful for diabetes.

1. What is sugarcane juice?

Sugarcane juice is a sweet, syrupy liquid that is pressed from the sugarcane plant. It is usually sold by street vendors. Moreover, it is also mixed with other juices along with ice to bring refreshment to everyone.
Sugarcane juice is also used to make cane sugar, brown sugar, molasses and jaggery. Moreover, sugarcane is also used to make rum. In Brazil, sugarcane is also fermented and used to produce cachaca.
Sugarcane juice almost consists of pure sugar. Sugarcane juice ingredients include: about 70-75% water is contained in sugarcane juice, 10-15% fiber and 13-15% sugar in the form of sucrose like table sugar. In fact, sugarcane juice is the source of all the sugars used around the world. Sugarcane juice in its unprocessed form is a good source of antioxidants such as phenols and flavonoids. These antioxidants are the main reason some people consider sugarcane juice to be a healthy beverage.
Furthermore, because sugarcane juice is not processed like most other sugary drinks, it retains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Not only that, it also contains electrolytes like potassium. Several studies have found the hydrating effects of sugarcane juice.

Nước mía chứa nhiều chất điện giải tốt cho sức khỏe
Nước mía chứa nhiều chất điện giải tốt cho sức khỏe

In a study conducted in 15 athletes using sugarcane juice and cyclists, results showed that sugarcane juice was shown to be effective as a sports drink in improving exercise performance and Rehydrate during exercise.
However, sugarcane juice increased the blood sugar levels of athletes during exercise. Therefore, its benefits are mainly related to the carb content and ability of athletes to restore energy stores in the muscles after training.

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2. Sugar content in sugarcane juice

Although sugarcane juice provides some good nutrients, it is high in sugar and carbs. In 1 cup of 240ml of sugarcane juice, there will be: 183 calories, 0 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat, 50 grams of sugar, 0-13 grams of fiber. Actual comparison shows that, just one cup of 240ml of sugarcane juice with 50 grams of sugar, the equivalent amount of sugar used will be 12 teaspoons. This is significantly more than the 9 teaspoons or 6 teaspoons of total sugar per day that the American Heart Association recommends for men and women.
Sugarcane juice has different fiber content. Some products are not listed or only listed in very small amounts. Meanwhile, other products including raw sugarcane juice, can see up to 13 grams of fiber in a 240ml cup of sugarcane juice.
However, if you want to add fiber, you should choose from other foods instead of sweet drinks. In case, you want to choose high-fiber drinks, you should choose those with high fiber without sugar and can be mixed with water to dilute.
Sugar is a type of carb that the body can break down into glucose. Certain high-carb foods and drinks can raise blood sugar levels excessively, especially in people who have or are at risk of diabetes. Therefore, people with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar specifically before deciding to use sugarcane juice or other high-sugar drinks.
Although sugarcane juice has a low glycemic index (GI), it can still cause high blood sugar (GL) levels. That means sugarcane juice is bound to have an undue impact on the body's blood sugar levels.
While the glycemic index (GI) only measures the rapidly rising blood sugar levels of certain foods or drinks with a high sugar content, the high glycemic index (GL) is used to measure total blood sugar rise. Therefore, high glycemic (GL) levels may give a more accurate picture of the effect of sugarcane juice on blood sugar.

3. Should diabetics drink sugarcane juice?

Diabetics and diabetics can drink sugarcane juice? As is known, like other high-sugar beverages, sugarcane juice is a limited choice if you have diabetes.
But another view is that its huge sugar content can raise blood sugar levels - this is a dangerous situation for people with diabetes. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you should avoid this drink completely.

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Người mắc bệnh tiểu đường nên tránh xa đồ uống này

In a test-tube study of sugarcane juice extract, antioxidants like sugarcane juice polyphenols were able to help pancreatic cells produce more insulin - the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. blood. This study was preliminary conducted in a test tube, so it is completely unsafe for people with diabetes.
Sugarcane juice is an unrefined drink extracted from sugarcane. Although it provides a healthy dose of antioxidants, it causes blood sugar to spike. This will limit the choice of sugarcane juice for people with diabetes. Instead, using sugarcane juice, people with diabetes can choose some sugar-free drinks such as tea, diluted fruit juice. These drinks still have a mild flavor without endangering the body's blood sugar.
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