Can only genital contact get pregnant?

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Hello doctor! When you have not had sex but only foreplay has contact with that part, is there a risk of pregnancy? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you doctor!
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Hello! The process of conception occurs when the male ejaculates into the woman's vagina, the sperm enter the fallopian tube and live up to 7 days in the right environment to wait for the egg to be released from the ovary. If sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tube, forming a zygote, the zygote will swim to the uterus to implant. Pregnancy is considered successful.
When there is only foreplay and contact with 2 genitals, it is still considered sexual intercourse, ie there is a certain risk of pregnancy. Because when a man has sexual desire, the penis becomes erect and secretes semen. Meanwhile, the female vagina also secretes mucus, which has a lubricating role, helping sperm move easily into the uterus.
Although sperm is released when a man ejaculates. However, a small amount of sperm can also be ejaculated before that time without the man knowing it. This is the cause of unwanted pregnancy.
Therefore, when there is long enough rubbing between the 2 genitals, the possibility of conception can still occur. However, this risk is very low so you do not have to worry too much.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
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