Can intestinal adhesions after surgery for mesenteric lymphadenopathy be definitively treated?

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Hello doctor!
Can I ask if intestinal adhesions after surgery for mesenteric lymphadenopathy can be definitively treated? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. I would like to thank you.
Anonymous question
With the case of intestinal adhesions after surgery for mesenteric lymphadenopathy, if your intestinal adhesions have symptoms such as vomiting, intermittent abdominal pain or bloating, you should see your doctor soon. The best method is to remove the intestinal adhesions by laparoscopic surgery.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System, looking forward to seeing you for a one-on-one consultation. Best regards!
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Answered by Doctor Le Thanh Tuan - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
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