Can I treat hemorrhoids with the longo method 1 week after cesarean section?

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The doctor asked me, I just gave birth to a baby by caesarean section for 1 week, can I have hemorrhoids surgery by longo method? Now my hemorrhoids are very large, making me unable to walk or sit normally. I thank you!
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! Hemorrhoids are usually indicated for elective surgery, preferably at least 2 months postpartum. However, you need to visit a gastroenterologist to determine if your hemorrhoids have complications or not, depending on the condition, the doctor will specify the best time for surgery for you.
You can go to the clinics and hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide for medical advice.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. We look forward to meeting with you for more specific advice.
Answered by Specialist Doctor II Phan Thanh Nguyen - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
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