The article was written by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Nhat, an infectious disease specialist at the Department of Examination & Internal Medicine at Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Dengue fever is a contagious disease caused by the Dengue virus. Aedes mosquito transmits the virus from sick people to healthy people, causing Dengue fever. Patients with dengue fever might suffer very severe pain in the muscles and joints.
1. How does dengue fever manifest?
Dengue fever is caused by the Dengue virus, which has 4 different types: D1, D2, D3, and D4. In theory, a person can contract the disease up to 4 times, corresponding to each virus type, due to the body’s immunization with each exposure. Dengue fever occurs year-round but often increases during the rainy season (from July to October in Vietnam). It can affect both children and adults. If not diagnosed and treated promptly, dengue fever can lead to severe complications, including bleeding, sudden blood loss, and even death.
Currently, there is no vaccine or specific treatment for dengue fever, so the primary approach focuses on alleviating symptoms and monitoring disease progression.
Skin manifestations of dengue fever include:
Classic dengue fever (mild form):
In its mild form, fever typically lasts for 4-7 days following the onset of infection with symptoms such as:
- High fever, reaching up to 40.5 degrees Celsius, severe headache
- Body aches, along with joint and muscle pain.
- Nausea and vomiting, pain behind the eyes.
- A rash may appear and last for 3 - 4 days, before subsiding after an additional 1-2 days.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever:
Symptoms of this condition include classic dengue fever signs, along with damage to lymphatic capillaries and blood vessels, which can cause nosebleeds, subcutaneous bleeding, and bruising. If not treated promptly, prolonged dengue hemorrhagic fever may result in death.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (Dengue shock syndrome)
Dengue shock syndrome is the most severe form of dengue. Symptoms include body aches, bleeding, and vascular leakage, which can lead to low blood pressure.

2. How to reduce body aches when having dengue fever?
Dengue fever can cause severe body aches, as well as muscle and joint pain. Currently, there is no specific medication available to treat dengue fever. To alleviate body aches and other symptoms of dengue fever, the following methods can be applied:
- Care for dengue patients at home: Ensure they have a proper rest regimen in a cool environment. Provide soft, easy-to-digest foods rich in protein, such as soup, water, and lean meat porridge, along with supplements of vitamin C, and B1.
- Replenish water and electrolytes: Encourage the intake of fluids through fruit juice, fresh water, ORS, smoothies, and other hydrating drinks.
- Use paracetamol as a single antipyretic: The dosage is 325-650mg, every 4-6 hours, not exceeding 4g per day. Appropriate doses based on age are as follows: < 3 months old: 40mg; 4-11 months old: 80mg; 1-2 years old: 120mg; 2-3 years old: 160mg; 4-5 years old: 240mg; 6-8 years old: 320mg; 9-10 years old: 400mg; 11 years old: 480mg (average 10-15mg/kg body weight).
- Cool down the body temperature: Administer antipyretics and apply cool compresses to the armpits, groin, and folds. Additionally, gently wipe the body with warm water. Dress patients in cool clothes, and avoid covering them with blankets or excessive layers, as this can hinder heat dissipation or raise body temperature.
- In case of having a high fever, convulsions, signs of severe progression, and bleeding, it is essential to take them to the emergency room immediately.

3. Notes when caring for dengue fever patients
- Antibiotics are not necessary for treating dengue fever, as it is a viral disease. Improper use of antibiotics can increase toxicity to the liver and kidneys, which can negatively impact the patient's health.
- Avoid using painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as they inhibit platelet aggregation. Using these medications for individuals with dengue fever can lead to serious complications such as stomach bleeding, and vomiting blood.
- Do not rely on folk remedies to reduce fever, such as scraping, or applying hot oil, as these can damage muscles and dilate blood vessels, worsening the condition.
- Take measures to eliminate mosquitoes, larvae, and pests. Keep the living environment clean. Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using mosquito nets, applying mosquito repellent, and other preventive measures to stop the virus from breaking out and spreading.
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