Blood test to measure CEA levels to screen for colon cancer

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Colon cancer is a disease in which malignant cells develop in the colon. Currently, with the development of medicine, there are many methods of screening and detecting colon cancer. In which, a blood test that measures CEA levels is performed by doctors, providing fast and accurate results.

1. Importance of colon cancer screening?

1.1. Symptoms of colon cancer

Symptoms of colon cancer include:
The patient has a change in bowel habits such as diarrhea, constipation or flat stools that last for a few days. The patient has symptoms of nausea and vomiting. The patient has abdominal pain, bloody stools mixed with stools. The patient is weak, often tired, and has unexplained weight loss.

1.2. Why do colon cancer screening?

Colon cancer in the early stages has very similar symptoms to diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract, making patients subjective, not examining. Only when the tumor begins to metastasize to other organs in the body, causing compression, pain, intestinal obstruction and intestinal perforation, the patient discovers the disease. Therefore, colon cancer screening is an effective method to quickly detect abnormalities related to the colon.
Everyone should have regular colon cancer screening tests to stay healthy. According to the recommendations of doctors, the subjects that should prioritize colon cancer screening include:
People aged 40 years and older Family members with a history of cancers related to the digestive tract Chemicals such as colon cancer, stomach cancer ... People suddenly appear abnormal signs that take place continuously, lastingly and for unknown reasons such as: digestive disorders, rapid weight loss, urinary disorders. secretions, bloody stools... There is a history of colon cancer, colon polyps. People are often exposed to radiation in the abdomen or pelvis when they have been treated for previous cancers. SEE ALSO: Methods of screening for colorectal cancer

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2. What is a CEA blood test?

CEA (Carcino Embrynoic Antigen) is an antigen found in fetal enterocytes and in very low concentrations in adult serum. This antigen is a marker for gastrointestinal tumors, especially colon cancer. Abnormally high levels of CEA in the blood are a sign of cancer.
The colon cancer screening blood test index has clinical sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 90%. Therefore, blood CEA levels are considered a yellow marker in the diagnosis of colon cancer.

3. Principles of colon cancer screening based on blood CEA levels

In normal non-smokers, plasma CEA concentrations are usually less than 2.5 ng/ml and less than 5 ng/ml in smokers. Cancer patients have this antigen in the blood that is higher than normal by about 50-70%, especially very high in colon cancer patients.
Colon cancer blood test is also used to predict and detect residual tumor. Doctors measure blood CEA levels before starting treatment and then repeat the test periodically to evaluate treatment effectiveness, detect recurrence, tumor metastasis, and disease prognosis.
For each patient, the baseline CEA value is the basis for disease follow-up. If the patient has a persistent increase in this antigen for at least two months, there is a chance that the cancer will recur.
A colon cancer blood test that measures CEA levels is also used to check if a tumor has metastasized. In case this antigen appears in other body fluids, it means that the tumor has invaded to nearby organs or metastasized to other areas of the body.
Thus, performing a blood test (measuring CEA levels) can screen and detect colon cancer early. You should go to a medical facility to have a clinical examination by a doctor, perform tests to get the most accurate diagnosis.
In order to improve the medical examination and treatment process, Vinmec International General Hospital has and continues to provide a system of modern medical machines that meet standards in examination, treatment and prevention. many diseases. In particular, to meet the requirements of using comprehensive medical services, Vinmec International General Hospital is also implementing a Package of Screening and Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer, implemented by a team of doctors and nurses. industry leader with rich experience in the field of diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer. When using this service package, you will have the support of a system of modern and standard equipment and technology, full of specialized facilities to diagnose the disease and stage it before treatment such as: CT scan , Endoscopy, PET-CT scan, MRI, X-ray, histopathological diagnosis, gene-cell testing,... help detect colon cancer early even when there are no warning symptoms.

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