What is the CEA test for cancer?

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After being diagnosed with cancer, tumor progression is often not obvious. The doctor needs to do an additional test for CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen - called CEA for short, to measure the protein in the blood. The CEA test helps to monitor the progression of the disease as well as the effectiveness of the current treatment regimen.

1. Overview of the CEA . test

CEA (CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen) is a protein found in the body. The intestinal cells of the fetus in the womb have the highest level of CEA and will decrease after birth. Healthy adults have very low levels of this protein, but certain types of cancer, especially carcinoma, can cause it to rise higher than normal.
Because patients with certain types of cancer have high levels of the CEA protein, doctors can use CEA as a “cancer marker” to learn more about the current state of the cancer. Tumor markers are antigenic proteins produced by cells in response to certain diseases. Besides CEA, some other cancer markers, also known as cancer markers, include: AFP (diagnostic and monitoring of liver cancer), Beta hCG (testicular cancer), CA 125 (cancer of the testes). ovarian), CA 15-3 (breast cancer), CA 19-9 (pancreatic, biliary tract, gastrointestinal and colorectal cancer), CT (thyroid cancer), PSA (prostate cancer) ),...
The CEA test helps predict how likely cancer cells are to progress or spread to other parts of the body (metastatic cancer), as well as show the effectiveness of current treatment regimens. and predict patient prognosis.

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Bài dịch từ: webmd.com

2. Indication for CEA . test

Initially, doctors would not use the CEA test to diagnose cancer because of the lack of accuracy. In other words, this test is not used to screen for cancer because many other diseases also cause CEA protein levels to rise. What's more, some people have cancer but don't have high CEA levels.
Your doctor will usually order a CEA test if you have been diagnosed with one of the following cancers:
Bladder cancer; Breast cancer ; Cancer of the colon and/or rectum; Lung cancer ; Ovarian Cancer ; Pancreatic cancer ; Stomach cancer ; Thyroid Cancer . The CEA test can help doctors plan and monitor treatment in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. The goal of the test will be slightly different depending on when it is done, specifically:
After a cancer diagnosis: Help your doctor find the right treatment; During cancer treatment: To evaluate the effectiveness of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, or other therapies; After treatment: Detect cancer cells that come back (most common).

Bệnh nhân ung thư vú được chỉ định thực hiện
Bệnh nhân ung thư vú được chỉ định thực hiện

3. Prepare before the test

Patients usually do not need to prepare anything before the test, but let your doctor know if you:
Are a smoker; Pregnant; Take aspirin or other anticoagulants. In general, patients should tell their healthcare provider about all medications they are taking, including vitamins, supplements, and other over-the-counter medications.

Bệnh nhân đang mang thai cần báo cho bác sĩ trước khi xét nghiệm
Bệnh nhân đang mang thai cần báo cho bác sĩ trước khi xét nghiệm

4. CEA Test Procedure

If only a sample of your blood is needed, the CEA test is usually done in the clinic. The medical staff will place a needle into a vein in the patient's arm to draw blood. When the needle is inserted, you may experience:
Light bleeding; Infection ; Bruises; Dizzy; Feeling a slight sting like an ant bite; Pain at the puncture site. In general, the CEA test is fairly simple and safe, with rarely significant complications. The level of pain will depend on the nurse's blood drawing skills, vein condition, and pain sensitivity. After the blood is drawn, you will need to apply light pressure to the puncture site and be able to return to normal activities immediately.
Occasionally, CEA levels will also be tested in another body fluid, such as:
Cerebrospinal fluid (from the spine); Peritoneal fluid (from the peritoneum); Pleural fluid (from the pleural space). These tests are more complicated, so they need to be done in a hospital.

Nồng độ CEA cũng sẽ được kiểm tra trong dịch não tủy
Nồng độ CEA cũng sẽ được kiểm tra trong dịch não tủy

5. CEA test results

Your blood sample will be sent to a lab to check for cancer cells using a special device. Usually, the CEA test is conducted using two main groups of techniques, ELISA and immunochemiluminescence. If the patient requires a quick test, the results can be returned after 40 minutes from the time of blood collection.
A normal result is less than 5 nanograms of CEA per milliliter of blood. This normal range may not be consistent as the testing facilities will vary. Depending on different organs, the percentage of cancer patients with an increase in CEA > 5 ng/ml usually ranges from 50 to 70%. Higher and increased CEA levels over time may signal advanced cancer cells to spread or return after treatment ends.
However, high CEA levels do not always mean you have cancer. Other conditions also increase this protein, such as:
Cysts, chronic mastitis; Infection; Inflammatory bowel disease (polyps, Crohn's disease) causing diarrhea, pain, weight loss; Liver disease (cholangitis, chronic hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis); Lung problems (emphysema , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , chronic bronchitis); There are foci of ulcers; Chronic pancreatitis. In contrast, a normal CEA antigen does not exclude the possibility of cancer, because in 30-50% of cancer patients, CEA levels are not high. Pregnant or frequent smokers also have higher-than-normal CEA levels, but rarely exceed 10 ng/ml.
Patients will be explained what their test results mean. In cases where the cancerous tumor has progressed, your doctor will consider other more appropriate treatment options.
In summary, CEA is an antigen present in fetal enterocytes and is very low in healthy adults, only about 0-5 ng/ml. Patients with certain types of cancer and other conditions will have elevated CEA levels. CEA testing helps to guide cancer diagnosis and monitor treatment, especially for patients with high CEA levels before treatment.
Thus, just relying on a high CEA test index cannot accurately assess the disease you are experiencing. For the most accurate diagnosis, it is best to bring the results of your examination to your doctor. After the clinical examination and review of the results, if any abnormality is detected, the doctor may order to perform some other tests such as: X-ray, ultrasound, biopsy... to diagnose the pathology. cancer more precisely.
Cancer inherently does not spare anyone, it is estimated that every year in the world, a very large proportion of people die from cancer. In fact, if cancer can be detected at an early stage, the prognosis for treatment is very high, even if it is completely cured and not recurred. Therefore, screening for cancer is essential, especially for high-risk patients.

Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec đang cung cấp các gói sàng lọc ung thư
Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec đang cung cấp các gói sàng lọc ung thư

Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has been implementing cancer screening packages. At Vinmec, there are fully modern diagnostic facilities such as: PET/CT, SPECT/CT, MRI..., blood marrow test, histopathology, immunohistochemistry test, gene test, lab test molecular biology, as well as a full range of targeted drugs, the most advanced immunotherapy drugs in cancer treatment. Multimodal cancer treatment from surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, targeted therapy, immunotherapy in cancer treatment, new treatments such as autoimmunotherapy body, heat therapy...
After having an accurate diagnosis of the disease and stage, the patient will be consulted to choose the most appropriate and effective treatment methods. The treatment process is always closely coordinated with many specialties: Diagnostic Imaging, Biochemistry, Immunology, Cardiology, Stem Cell and Gene Technology; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Endocrinology, Department of Rehabilitation, Department of Psychology, Department of Nutrition... to bring the highest efficiency and comfort to patients. After undergoing the treatment phase, the patient will also be monitored and re-examined to determine whether the cancer treatment is effective or not.
Thanks to modern facilities, a team of qualified doctors and excellent medical services, have brought confidence, health and good quality of life to patients who come to visit and treat diseases at the hospital. Vinmec.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, please book an appointment on the website for service.
Reference source: webmd.com

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