Be careful if you have muscle pain after arm wrestling

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Arm wrestling is a fairly popular game in our country, especially among schoolchildren and adult men to show off muscle strength. However, after such matches, many people have experienced symptoms of muscle pain, muscle tension in the biceps, even broken arms, with radial nerve paralysis. Therefore, players also need to be careful when participating in this potentially dangerous game.

1. What injuries can arm wrestling cause?

Depending on the location and bone strength, participants may experience different types of injuries, specifically as follows:
Dislocation, sprain, disc herniation: Because when wrestling, the arm must be mobilized a lot. participating muscles and joints such as back muscles, chest muscles, shoulder muscles, forearm muscles, shoulder joints, spine. Cross torsion fracture of the humerus is a complex fracture with a long treatment and recovery time. Radial nerve palsy: A common injury associated with fractures of the arm. Because the radial nerve is located close to this bone, it is very easy to injure or break when broken. The main mechanism of arm wrestling injuries is because during competition, the body parts, especially the arms, are subjected to opposing forces, the force moments are torque, opposite, force has an increase. Sudden speed can easily lead to twisted and broken bones.

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2. What to do after hand wrestling?

Hand muscle pain after arm wrestling can be caused by simple muscle pain due to overloaded activities, causing muscle fatigue and pain. Therefore, it can be improved by the following methods:
Take time to rest your hands to relax your body and relax. Warm up thoroughly before participating in arm wrestling as a measure to lubricate muscles and joints before training. Gently massage the arm, apply ice to relax the muscles. Supplement foods containing minerals such as vitamin B, calcium from fish, shellfish, red meat, cereals, milk, eggs. Provide more magnesium for the body to have more energy for muscles from vegetables such as broccoli, radish, nuts, ... If the condition after arm wrestling is broken bones, the victim should be immobilized. hand with a bandage, hang the arm up, so that the arm is close to the chest, the hand is higher than the elbow. Common first aid may include pain relievers or cold compresses. In case of open fracture, you should cover the wound with a clean gauze bandage, absolutely do not apply tobacco or herbal medicine to avoid infection. Most importantly, the patient should be taken to a medical facility for a comprehensive examination and evaluation.

3. Should arm wrestling be eliminated?

There is no denying that arm wrestling is a fascinating game that stimulates viewers and is also a healthy sport activity. However, players need to really have certain understandings to avoid unfortunate injuries. Specifically, players need to care about the following issues:
Adequate and similar physical conditions. Matching conditions are suitable. Full game equipment. Follow the rules of the game. Warm up well before playing. The above should help minimize spontaneity, lack of rules and can bring the risk of serious irreversible injury, affecting the patient's quality of life.
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