Baby sleep training

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Baby sleep training is one of the essential things to help children become more confident and independent from an early age. There are many different methods to help train children to fall asleep on their own, such as the No Tears, CIO, Ferber, or Fading method. In particular, the Fading method can help parents be less tired and have more time to rest during the period of taking care of young children.

1. What is Fading sleep training method?

Fading sleep training, also known as “Camping Out”, is a gentler version of Cry It Out (CIO) method. Usually, CIO is a method of sleep training by letting the baby cry for a certain amount of time. Besides training children to sleep by CIO, parents can apply another method, called "No Tears". However, if neither of these training measures is enough to get your baby to fall asleep on his own, you may want to consider the Fading method.
In the Fading sleep training method, the parent's role in helping the child fall asleep will be reduced, instead giving the child time to figure out how to self-soothe and then that fell asleep without support from parents.
Fading can be used on 5 months old babies, and these techniques can also work for toddlers and preschoolers. Using the Fading method will help many parents have more time to rest, and at the same time reduce the pressure of raising children.

2. How is the Fading method done?

Trong trường hợp trẻ quấy khóc bạn hãy vỗ về nhẹ nhàng để trấn an con
Trong trường hợp trẻ quấy khóc bạn hãy vỗ về nhẹ nhàng để trấn an con

In the Fading method, there are usually 2 main approaches, including parents staying in the same room with the child and checking the child regularly. In general, both approaches aim to put the child to bed while the child is sleepy but still awake, and reassure the child in the presence of a parent.
To train your baby to fall asleep on his own by the Fading method, you can sit in the chair next to the crib to put your baby to sleep and wait until he falls into a deep sleep. In case your baby is fussy, gently pat her to calm her down. And so, after a few nights, move your sitting distance a little further away from your child, but still make sure you're in their line of vision, like about half a room away, in the doorway, or just outside. door. After about 2 weeks, you should be able to leave the room as soon as you put your baby to sleep.
For the 2nd approach is to check the child frequently in the Fading method. Parents, please put the child to bed and then leave the room. Next, leave your baby alone for a short period of time (only about 5 minutes) and come back to reassure him if he is fussy. Some experts say that you should reassure your baby by pacing, while others recommend that only verbal reassurances be given, such as telling them it's time to go to bed, or saying they love you. child and then leave the room to let the child fall asleep on his own.
You should repeat this process until the baby really sleeps deeply. This will make it easier for children to fall asleep on their own after a few nights of Fading. This method is also different from the Ferber method - another way of sleep training for babies, because the time to leave the room in Fading lasts only up to 5 minutes between sessions, not each time being longer than the last.

3. Benefits of Fading

Tuyệt đối không được để trẻ sơ sinh tự ngủ một mình trên giường của người lớn để tránh những rủi ro
Tuyệt đối không được để trẻ sơ sinh tự ngủ một mình trên giường của người lớn để tránh những rủi ro

Fading sleep training helps children develop the ability to self-soothe, an essential skill that most children need to master on their journey to finding their own independence, similar to walking. Swinging a crib or hammock for a baby to sleep is a great thing from parents, but it inadvertently makes children dependent and dependent on your comfort every time they wake up at night.
With the Fading method, parents will find a balance in helping their children sleep. Besides, it also promotes the bond between you and your child, thereby encouraging children to be confident in their own skills and become more independent from an early age.
Even families who share a room with their baby can use Fading, especially during nap times and before parents switch from crib to bed each night. You absolutely must not let babies sleep alone in an adult's bed to avoid unnecessary risks. This strategy also helps babies sleep better and deeper, reduces fussiness, and gives parents more time to rest.

4. Does the Fading method really work?

Phương pháp Fading giúp trẻ ngủ ngon hơn và làm giảm tỷ lệ mắc trầm cảm sau sinh cho người mẹ
Phương pháp Fading giúp trẻ ngủ ngon hơn và làm giảm tỷ lệ mắc trầm cảm sau sinh cho người mẹ

Some parents after applying Fading method have noticed its improvement within a few days, or only after 2 weeks. Several studies have shown that Fading helps babies sleep better and reduces the incidence of postpartum depression for mothers.
However, the reality is that there is no single technique that is right for every child. Therefore, it's a good idea to experiment with different sleep training methods to find the one that works best for your family.

5. Some tips to get the most out of Fading

Here are a few tips that can help parents get the most out of Fading sleep training, including:
Choose the right bedtime for your child: Health experts advise Parents should choose the bedtime for children is from 7-8 pm. This is the most ideal time for children to easily fall asleep without feeling too tired. Fix your child's daily schedule: You shouldn't change your child's regular routine, such as giving her a warm bath, singing a lullaby before she goes to sleep, or reading a story to her.

Không nên hỗ trợ trẻ quá nhiều có thể giúp các bậc cha mẹ tận dụng hiệu quả nhất phương pháp huấn luyện giấc ngủ Fading
Không nên hỗ trợ trẻ quá nhiều có thể giúp các bậc cha mẹ tận dụng hiệu quả nhất phương pháp huấn luyện giấc ngủ Fading

Do not support the child too much: You should give the child his own space to calm himself by limiting patting or coaxing when he is fussy. If your child wakes up at night, take a deep breath and pause for a few minutes to see if he really needs your help. Don't panic when a baby cries: Newborns often don't like change, so crying is a way to signal to parents of their discomfort. At this point, you can let your child gradually adapt to new habits, so that his crying episodes will also be reduced and do not last too long as before. Give your baby soft things to sleep with: When your baby is about a year old and the risk of SIDS has also been reduced, you can offer your baby soft toys such as stuffed animals before bedtime. This will make it easier for the baby to fall asleep. Get support from other family members: Close coordination between family members when implementing Fading method will save more time for your child to learn how to go to sleep on their own at night. This coordination needs to be done synchronously and consistently among family members to achieve the highest possible efficiency. Children in the period from 6 months to 3 years old are very susceptible to respiratory problems, respiratory infections, skin diseases and gastrointestinal infections... parents need to pay special attention to the care and provision of adequate nutrition for children. The pediatric department at Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants and young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children. With a system of facilities, modern medical equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread, Vinmec will bring satisfaction to customers. and is highly appreciated by industry experts with:
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