Baby anorexia physiological what to do?

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Physiological anorexia is a common condition when children enter a period of physical change and lasts only 2-3 weeks. Most physiological anorexia does not leave serious consequences, but if prolonged, it will affect the development of children. Therefore, the physiological anorexia baby must do to overcome is the concern of many parents.

1. Physiological anorexia in children

Symptoms of physiological anorexia in young children include:
Children suddenly anorexia, lazy to eat: This is one of the first and most obvious manifestations when the child begins the physiological anorexia phase. Young children may eat only a few spoonfuls or even have no desire to eat anything at all, even their favorite foods. Keep food in mouth: During meals, children will have an uncooperative attitude and hold food in their mouths for a long time. Even fussing and spitting food out. Children's meals can last for hours. Not focusing on eating: At the stage of physiological anorexia, children often have physical changes such as teething, rolling, crawling or walking, and children love to discover new things in the world around them. . Therefore, children will show signs of refusing to sit still to eat, some hyperactive children will forget to eat or focus on eating.

2. What should an anorexic child do?

Physiological anorexia almost does not affect the height and weight of the child. When the child's body adapts to this stage, he will eat and drink normally again. However, in some cases, physiological anorexia lasting more than 1 month may affect the child's development later.
So children with anorexia physiological how to overcome is the concern of many parents. In order to solve this situation, during the period of physiological anorexia, parents need to pay attention to the following issues:
Split meals: When young children begin to enter the physiological anorexia stage, they often eat very little. , lazy to eat and even skip meals. Therefore, parents should divide the portion size and feed the baby into several meals a day. Feed the child a little at a time, and should only last for a maximum of 30 minutes. This ensures nutrition while children will not feel forced to eat too much. Prepare diverse and eye-catching dishes: Prepare a variety of dishes and decorate them more beautifully to help stimulate children's curiosity. A rich meal menu with beautiful appearance will make children want to explore meals and eat better. Help children focus during meals: If parents are wondering "what should an anorexic child do", what needs to be done to solve this situation is to help the child concentrate during meals. When children refuse to eat, parents should not comfort children by letting them watch TV or mobile phones. Because this will cause children to be distracted, not focus on eating and reduce their appetite.

Để giải quyết tình trạng
Để giải quyết tình trạng "trẻ biếng ăn sinh lý phải làm sao” thì việc cha mẹ cần làm đó là giúp bé tập trung trong bữa ăn.
Observe the child's physical changes: Monitor the baby's weight, height and expression to promptly detect signs of physiological anorexia. From there, quickly adjust and help the baby overcome anorexia. Should not force children to eat: When seeing that children have an uncooperative attitude during meals or refuse to eat, parents need to be patient. Do not scold, threaten or urge the child to eat. Because this can make children feel afraid and affect psychologically, haunting meals. Supplementing micronutrients for children: Adding beneficial bacteria to the child's intestines by using digestive enzymes or probiotics will help ferment food and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. harmful. In addition, children need to add necessary micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat delicious, achieve the right height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems. The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for their children, either through food or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods. In summary, physiological anorexia is often quite common when children enter a period of physical change. Therefore, when "the child is anorexic, what to do", parents should not be too worried, but need to observe the child more closely to have the right nutrition and soon overcome this situation.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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