Average waist size for women

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Waist size is always an issue that most women care about, this is not only a factor related to appearance but also plays a role in health status. However, waist circumference is not a determining factor in whether a person is healthy or not, it is only a warning factor about the health status of the body. The following is information about the average waist size in Vietnam and some notes about this indicator.

1. What does waist size mean?

Each body is different and has distinct characteristics. As we all know, no two individuals are exactly alike, which means that individual factors like waist circumference are not always a risk factor for health.
In fact, graphs intended for the general population to assess health and weight risks are not always accurate. A healthy body can come in many different shapes and sizes.
However, waist size can help detect potential health risks, including conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In particular, the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is a commonly used indicator to assess waist size for health problems.
While you shouldn't have an ideal number for your health, it's important to understand what these numbers mean and when to take action to improve your health.

Chỉ số vòng eo trên vòng mông (WHR) là một chỉ số thường dùng để đánh giá kích thước vòng eo đối với những vấn đề sức khỏe
Chỉ số vòng eo trên vòng mông (WHR) là một chỉ số thường dùng để đánh giá kích thước vòng eo đối với những vấn đề sức khỏe

2. What is the waist-to-hip ratio?

Waist-hip ratio, or Waist-hip ratio (WHR), is the value of the division between the waist circumference measurement and the hip circumference measurement (at the largest possible position). of the buttock). In 1993, an evolutionary psychologist Devendra Singh of the University of Texas at Austin first coined the concept.
Many studies show a strong relationship between waist-to-hip ratio and health. A waist-to-hip ratio of less than 0.7 for women and 0.9 for men has been shown to be associated with good health and high fertility.
In women with a standard WHR index with the best estrogen levels, these women have a lower risk of dangerous diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and ovarian cancer.
In addition, WHR is a method used to determine the distribution of body fat. This index helps to make up for the shortcoming of body mass index (BMI) because BMI only reflects the relationship between height and weight. If the WHR is less than 1, that is, the waist is smaller than the buttocks, the fat is mainly concentrated in the buttocks and surrounding areas; Conversely, if the WHR is greater than 1, it means that the buttocks are smaller than the waist, the fat is mainly concentrated in the abdomen. In the second form (abdominal fat) the body is exposed to more health risks.
Health risk table based on waist-to-hip ratio:
Nam Nữ Mức nguy hiểm đến sức khỏe
0,9 0,7 Không nguy hiểm (sức khỏe tốt)
0,9 – 0,95 0,7 – 0,8 Ít
0,96 - 1 0,81 – 0,85 Trung bình
Trên 1 Trên 0,85 Cao (Rất nguy hiểm)

3. Average waist size in Vietnamese women

Based on the results of the National Survey of Risk Factors for Noncommunicable Diseases of the Ministry of Health, conducted in 2015 with the participation of nearly 4,000 people aged 18-69, conducted from August to October 2015. in 63 provinces/cities showed.
15.6% of Vietnamese people are currently overweight and obese, in the age group of 25-64 years, this rate is up to 17.5%. The prevalence of obesity in urban areas is nearly double that in rural areas.
Research shows that women's weight, waist and hip measurements increase with age. On average, women between the ages of 18-29 weigh 49.1kg, those aged 30-49 are about 52.1kg, and women aged 50-69 weigh an average of 51.8kg.
Similarly, the waist measurement of women 18-29 years old is about 71.4 cm, the hip circumference is 88.5 cm. Women aged 30 to 49 years, waist measurement is 76.1cm, hip measurement is 90.7cm and in the final age range, waist-hip measurement is 79.2cm - 90.7cm.
The average total waist measurement of modern Vietnamese women, according to research results, is 75.5cm, hip circumference is 90cm.
Surprisingly, this waist measurement is not significantly different from that of men. This number in men is 77.8cm. The hip circumference is 90.7cm. Notably, women in rural areas have a smaller waist circumference than urban women with the figure of 74.7 - 76.8 cm, respectively.
The difference is more obvious in men, when urban men have a larger waist circumference than rural men by nearly 4cm (80.4-76.5cm).

4. How to measure the waist of the body

Cách xác định vòng eo theo đúng như những tiêu chuẩn của y khoa có thể khác so với những gì bạn thường đo
Cách xác định vòng eo theo đúng như những tiêu chuẩn của y khoa có thể khác so với những gì bạn thường đo
The way you measure your waist according to medical standards may be different from what you would normally measure your natural waist for.
Often times, you may misplace your waist measurement. Some common errors when measuring is that the position may be higher than the waist while others may be measured lower, they are lower, closer to the hip bone.
But in order to correctly determine your true waist size and track your waist size, you will need to measure at the same place and at the same point each time. To achieve this, you need to adhere to the following principles:
Measurement posture: stand upright with feet shoulder width apart. Place the tape measure around the waist so that the tape measure is centered between the last ribs and the highest part of the pelvis (the two iliac crests) Exhale gently and then determine the waist measurement, do not tighten the ruler wire excessively, and do not leave the tape measure too loose. You can repeat the measurement in triplicate and average these results.

5. Some notes about waist size

It should be noted that the state of your health does not depend solely on your body measurements. A measurement, scale or body size is not a determining factor in whether you are healthy or not.
Health is a combination of many elements of the word mental health and physical activity. Weight and waist measurements are just one of these factors.
You should not set an ideal number or try too hard to achieve a certain body mass index. This can cause you to change behaviors and sometimes this has bad effects on the body.
These numbers are only meant to help guide and help you towards healthy and healthy living goals. In fact, there are many people whose BMI is within the normal range but have a healthy body, and conversely, there are some people who have a waist circumference but have very good health.
These measurement methods may work for others, but they may not be the right method for you. This is especially true if you've ever compared yourself to a model or celebrity in television, film and media.
Such comparisons can lead you to set your expectations too high and this is not healthy. Your body, your health and your happiness are your own.

6. When do you need expert help?

Số đo vòng eo có thể đóng vai trò là sự báo hiệu cho bạn biết thời điểm cần phải có sự thay đổi và chăm sóc sức khỏe nhiều hơn
Số đo vòng eo có thể đóng vai trò là sự báo hiệu cho bạn biết thời điểm cần phải có sự thay đổi và chăm sóc sức khỏe nhiều hơn
While waist measurements and other metrics may not always indicate a health problem, they can serve as a signal to let you know when change and care is needed. more health.
A lot of studies have shown an association between body metrics, including waist circumference, with an increased risk of health problems like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer.
If you are concerned about this risk and want to change your lifestyle and improve your health, you can see experts in the following areas:
A doctor is someone who can perform basic tests on the body biological numbers such as cholesterol and your blood pressure to see your health status when waist circumference increases. Keeping track of these tests shows improvement, even if you haven't seen physical changes to your body yet. Personal trainers. You may not need the supervision of a fitness trainer for a long time, but if you're new to exercise or need to establish good habits, you can hire a personal trainer to help. These trained professionals can design training regimens to meet your needs, as well as help and advise with any fitness concerns you may have. A dietitian can help you establish a healthy diet. These experts can calculate the number of calories you should consume in a day, based on your health status and level of exercise. They can also help you address other health-related factors, including hydration and necessary supplements. In short, this waist size is only an indicator of health, but not a determinant of health status. People can be healthy at any shape and size, and no one can determine how healthy someone will be based on any body measurements, not even waist circumference. waist.
It's important to understand these numbers, including your waist size, which can help you aim to be healthier in the future. Exercising and eating a well-balanced diet, and protecting against health problems can all be things to keep in mind for a healthy body.
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Article referenced source: healthline.com
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