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Tag Uterine adhesions
Articles in Uterine adhesions
12 weeks pregnant, 10% dissection, is it okay?
My wife is 12 weeks and 3 days pregnant. The ultrasound results show that the fetus is normal but has a 10% separation. In addition, my wife occasionally has mild lower abdominal pain, without bleeding. Doctor, can you tell me: Is it okay for a 12-week-old fetus to have a 10% separation?
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Attention to care and abstaining after abortion
After the abortion, the pregnant woman will feel mild pain for the first few days and have vaginal bleeding like menstruation for 3 days to 1 week, so pay attention if the abdominal pain increases or the bleeding is unusually heavy.
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What to do if you experience heavy and prolonged bleeding after a vacuum aspiration?
Bleeding after a vacuum aspiration is a result of the uterus not contracting properly, or blood vessels failing to constrict to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding is heavy and prolonged, it is extremely dangerous, and you should seek a gynecologist immediately to avoid potential complications.
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Medical conditions that can hinder conception in women
The ability to conceive is greatly hindered when there are diseases related to the reproductive organs (vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes). At a serious level of influence, the diseases can lead to phenomena such as infertility due to sperm not meeting the egg for fertilization, fertilized eggs not being able to return to the uterus to nest, and the uterus not ensuring the function for the egg to nest.
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Why is the uterus stuck?
Uterine adhesions are one of the causes of infertility, especially in women of reproductive age. Signs of uterine adhesions occur when the front and back walls of the uterus stick together, preventing normal regeneration of the endometrium.
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Diagnosis and treatment of uterine adhesions
The uterus is the most important reproductive organ of women, however, it is also vulnerable to inflammation, tumors, uterine adhesions... affecting fertility.
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Uterine adhesions usually occur in what situations?
Uterine adhesions are a common disease in women of reproductive age. This is one of the causes that can deprive the patient of the right to become a mother. So what causes uterine adhesions?
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Adhesions of the uterus: Diagnosis and treatment
Uterine adhesions are the cause of many serious health problems in women such as menstrual disorders, infertility, miscarriage, etc. The following article will help women learn about the methods of diagnosing uterine adhesions and the methods of treating uterine adhesions that are currently used.
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Hysteroscopy separates the uterus
Uterine adhesions do not occur immediately but develop gradually. If detected late and not treated promptly, severe uterine adhesions can cause many unpredictable consequences such as menstrual disorders, difficulty in conceiving,... and can even cause infertility.
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Adhesions to the uterus: Causes of female infertility
Uterine adhesion is a problem that worries many women, especially those who have had uterine interventions such as abortion or uterine fibroid removal. Uterine adhesion can lead to extremely serious consequences, causing infertility, even female infertility.
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Laparoscopic hysterectomy
Uterine adhesions do not occur immediately but develop gradually. If detected late, severe uterine adhesions can cause many unpredictable consequences such as: Difficulty getting pregnant; miscarriage; premature birth,... or can even cause infertility in women.
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