Anesthetize the lumbar plexus to relieve pain after hip replacement surgery

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Posted by Doctor Department of General Surgery & Anesthesia - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

Pain relief for lower limb surgery today there are many methods to choose from, each method has certain advantages and disadvantages, there is a risk of associated complications. In this article, Vinmec will analyze the advantages and disadvantages and the steps to anesthetize the lumbar plexus to relieve pain after hip replacement surgery.

1. The role of lumbar plexus anesthesia in hip replacement surgery

Surgery is one of the best treatments available today, helping to address the main cause of the illness. However, current medicine has not been able to eliminate all the injuries directly or indirectly related to the pain formation process after surgery, including acute pain, persistent pain and chronic pain.
Although postoperative pain relief does not directly address the cause of the disease, it plays an extremely important role in the preparation for surgery, surgery and recovery after surgery. This time can be in hours, in days, but can also last for many months or years if the patient has persistent or chronic pain without timely treatment.
If acute postoperative pain is not well controlled, there is a risk of persistent pain. Persistent pain that is left untreated can lead to chronic pain. The treatment of chronic pain after surgery is difficult and difficult to predict effectively.
Pain relief after lower extremity surgery in general and pain relief after hip replacement surgery in particular currently has many methods, in which lumbar plexus anesthesia is a new method, bringing many prospects and high efficiency.

Gây tê đám rối thắt lưng giúp người bệnh giảm đau sau mổ thay khớp háng
Gây tê đám rối thắt lưng giúp người bệnh giảm đau sau mổ thay khớp háng

Lumbar plexus anesthesia is used as an analgesic technique after hip replacement surgery, combined with femur. This method, performed under the support of ultrasound, is currently being applied routinely to patients after hip replacement surgery, combined with femur at Vinmec Hai Phong because of the advantages it brings.

2. Indications/Contraindications

Indicated subjects
After hip replacement surgery, after combined femur surgery
Contraindicated subjects
People with a history of allergy to anesthetics, drug addiction People with pre-existing sensory and movement disorders below. People with a history of blood-clotting disorders, taking anticoagulants, can be said, lumbar plexus anesthesia is a safe method of pain relief after hip replacement surgery, without affecting life function. Moreover, this method does not use opioids, has good analgesic effect, has very few unwanted side effects compared to other pain relief methods such as: motor inhibition, urinary retention, deep sedation...
Anesthesia of the lumbar plexus can help patients move soon after surgery, limit post-operative thrombosis, especially patients can practice early rehabilitation, reduce hospital stay and treatment costs.
With the above advantages, lumbar plexus anesthesia is now commonly used in hip replacement surgery at Vinmec Hai Phong Hospital.

Người bệnh có tiền sử rối loạn đông máu không nên gây tê đám rối thắt lưng
Người bệnh có tiền sử rối loạn đông máu không nên gây tê đám rối thắt lưng

3. The process of numbing the lumbar plexus to relieve pain

The process of numbing the lumbar plexus to relieve pain after hip replacement surgery at Vinmec Hai Phong is performed as follows:
Step 1:
The doctor after examination and evaluation will appoint the optimal pain relief method to the patient, explaining the benefits and side effects of lumbar plexus analgesia.
Step 2:
Anesthesiologist will perform lumbar plexus catheterization under ultrasound and neuromuscular stimulator (performed before or after surgery). Hip replacement surgery is performed under sedation or sedation. Then use a local anesthetic solution that is continuously infused through the lumbar plexus catheter.
Step 3:
Monitor VAS score at rest and exercise
Monitor for unwanted effects such as: motor inhibition, urinary retention, limb paresthesia
Care and monitoring of lumbar plexus catheter, record copy tracking sheet.

Gây tê đám rối thắt lưng dưới sự hướng dẫn của siêu âm
Gây tê đám rối thắt lưng dưới sự hướng dẫn của siêu âm

4. Why should lumbar plexus anesthesia be performed at Vinmec Hai Phong?

To perform surgery as well as other interventional techniques safely and effectively, to prevent and overcome unwanted side effects and complications, choosing a reputable medical address is very important. important.
In which, Vinmec International General Hospital is the first choice for patients.
The technique is performed under the new and modern GE Vivid ultrasound machine, thus clearly determining the position of the lumbar nerve plexus with high resolution, thus making the accuracy of the technique high rate over 95% Standard and safe treatment procedures are performed by a team of experienced and well-trained doctors such as: Doctor Vu Thanh Long

Do not use opioids, reduce unwanted effects caused by opoids. Customers who need more advice on lumbar plexus anesthesia to relieve pain after hip replacement surgery performed at Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital can contact hotline: 0225 7309 888 or register online HERE

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