After lithotripsy, how often should be checked?

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Hello doctor. The doctor asked me, after the lithotripsy is completed, is there any pain or symptoms in the abdomen? How many months to go to the doctor to check for stones? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you doctor!
Viet Le (1974)
Hello. Your question is not clear what the treatment method is? Extracorporeal lithotripsy or endoscopic lithotripsy? Kidney stones or gallstones? However, often after endoscopic ureteral lithotripsy, the doctor will put 1 JJ into the ureter, so after surgery, the patient often has frequent urination, hematuria or pain on the back when urinating. These are common symptoms of JJ placement so patients should not be overly concerned. This tube will be withdrawn after 1 month.
Depending on the condition of the stone, if the stone is uncomplicated, that is, it does not cause hydronephrosis, the stone can be checked every 3-6 months. If the kidney has fluid retention due to untreated stones, it is necessary to follow up after 2 weeks and have surgery to remove stones early to avoid kidney damage.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Urologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International Hospital
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