After giving birth: Don't be afraid to get help

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Lai Thi Nguyet Hang - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
Depression and anxiety that occur during pregnancy or any time during the first year after a baby is born are common health problems in postpartum women. Postpartum pain is not caused by you. However, these health problems can be treated if you seek help.

1. What's the secret to spending the first few weeks at home with a newborn?

If you live with a family including grandparents, parents, it's great because you will receive maximum support from relatives. Otherwise, don't be upset, if possible, convince your husband to take a week or two off after the baby is born. That way, you'll both have bonding time with the infant, and your husband can help take care of the baby and you. If that's not an option, ask a relative or close friend to drop by and help with the small chores.
1.1. Help from Meals Buying and helping with food is one of the best ways friends can help. Eating together while the baby sleeps, talking together is a way to help reduce stress for mothers after giving birth.
Can join a group to help mothers with young children. You can prepare a calendar and friends can mark the days when they can bring food.
You can also order groceries online by setting up an account before your baby is born and testing different websites to find your favorites before the baby is born. Note that you should choose convenience stores near you, specializing in providing fresh and clean food. Stock up on healthy frozen treats that you can pop in the microwave or oven when you want them.

Chuẩn bị đồ ăn dữ trữ trước khi sinh con
Chuẩn bị đồ ăn dữ trữ trước khi sinh con
1.2. Sleep aid A postpartum mother dreams of a full night's sleep, so when family members or close friends want to visit the baby, don't be too perfectionist or let them help. Ask if they keep an eye on the baby while you take a quick nap. Close relatives and friends will take good care of your baby, and you will be able to take advantage of rest to regain strength.
1.3. Consider hiring a babysitter Hiring a babysitter after you give birth is another way to get the help you need. The maids will do the housework for you and help you with some errands so you can focus on your baby. Or sometimes take care of your baby when you want to go out shopping or have some work.
1.4. Desire emotional support No mother can be completely comfortable in the postpartum period. They always have psychological problems. Factor in sleep deprivation and stress when your baby is crying, and you may find yourself stressed out all the time and possibly even irritable at any moment.
Don't be afraid to reach out to your friends and family for support and check with your doctor if you think you may need help from a mental health professional. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Do it before things make you unbearable.
Finally, realize that your life is going to be quite hectic for a while, so take it easy on yourself and try not to expect too much. Chances are, your home won't be as tidy as it was before the baby was born. Laundry may pile up and the tub may not be scrubbed, but you need to take care of yourself to take care of your new baby. You may have to sacrifice your previous interests and try to spend more time with your baby.

Thiếu ngủ và sự căng thẳng (stress) khi em bé đang khóc sẽ khiến bạn gặp khó khăn trong tuần đầu sau sinh
Thiếu ngủ và sự căng thẳng (stress) khi em bé đang khóc sẽ khiến bạn gặp khó khăn trong tuần đầu sau sinh

2. 18 tips to get through the first week with a newborn

Everyone's childcare experience is different, however, here are some helpful tips for you after your baby is born:
Accept all offers of help: Accept offers of meals, break time so you can shower, babysit for a while so you can lie back, play with them... Don't feel like you're a burden on others, because they really want to help you. Sleep when the baby sleeps: Sleep is really essential for a mother after giving birth because it helps your body recover. If you can't sleep, at least lie down and rest - don't worry about everything else you have to do (at least for the first few days) Don't forget to take a pain reliever if needed Get a little exercise if you can Can Communicate with Other Parents and Parents: Having an exchange of information, interacting with other parents at least every week will give you the opportunity to confess your difficulties and exchange a lot. helpful experience Express your negative feelings a little: Getting to know a new baby isn't always fun. No wonder if you want to explode, don't hesitate to express them. Focus on positive emotions: Find ways to make yourself feel good and focus on it Don't be too perfectionist: Especially during this period, when your health has not really recovered, when the weight is left over If you don't have a lot of experience taking care of children, don't put pressure on yourself. Cultivate a sense of humor: Keep a smile on your face, or try to smile at least once a day. Organize your time: Think about what you're going to do today, but don't come up with a specific plan. I can't guarantee it happens the way I want it to, but try to stick to it. Postpone important decisions: In this moment give all your attention and attention to your little angel. Trust your doctor and don't hesitate to ask for helpful advice when needed. Get used to strange sounds because you simply have a newborn baby next to you. Establish routines as early as possible, monitor your child and find ways to mold him into a steady routine. However, do not be too perfectionist. Breastfeeding is very good, breastfeeding will increase the bond between mother and child, but try to let your baby get used to the bottle. It will be your baby's best friend in the future. Give your baby his own sleeping space, put him in his crib or crib when he shows signs of sleepiness, this way he can learn to fall asleep on his own and maybe a miracle. It's possible that you can even fall asleep on your own without your parents' help. Always think that things will get better as your baby grows up. Although it is difficult now, in a few months you will probably forget what you have been through. Most importantly try to enjoy it: The days go by so fast and your baby is just a newborn baby once in a lifetime.

Nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ rất tốt, cho con bú sẽ làm tăng tình cảm mẹ con
Nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ rất tốt, cho con bú sẽ làm tăng tình cảm mẹ con

After 9 months and 10 days of heavy weight, pregnant women go into labor and face a level of labor pain comparable to 20 broken ribs at the same time. In order for the birth to go smoothly and safely, pregnant women need to understand: - How the labor process takes place, how long does it usually take to have a normal delivery or cesarean section, to protect the best health? for the unborn baby.
Methods to relieve pain during childbirth, limit pain and relieve psychological pressure during labor. The way to push and breathe during childbirth is usually the right way so that the labor takes place quickly, the pregnant woman does not lose strength during childbirth. How to control postpartum uterine contractions in the shortest time. How to take care of the perineal suture does not cause infection and dangerous complications. Early postpartum re-examination to detect dangerous abnormalities such as residual placenta, missing gauze. Take care of the newborn until full month healthy. To ease the pain of childbirth, Vinmec offers a full Maternity program with a complete "painless delivery" service during and after birth using non-morphine epidural and sedation techniques. ashamed. During the birth process, the mother will be guided by the midwives on how to push and breathe properly, the baby will be born in just 10-15 minutes. After birth, the baby will be cared for in a sterile room before being returned to the mother.
Pregnant women will rest in a high-class hospital room, designed according to international hotel standards, 1 mother 1 room with full facilities and modern equipment. Mothers will be consulted by nutritionists on how to feed the baby before being discharged from the hospital. Postpartum follow-up with both mother and baby with leading Obstetricians and Paediatricians.
Specialist II Lai Thi Nguyet Hang has more than 30 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. The doctor used to teach at Hai Phong Medical College, Hai Phong Medical University and worked at Hai Phong Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital before becoming an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

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Stages of labor and specific signs What happens when labor begins? Instructions on how to push and breathe during a normal birth
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