Advice on test results for HBV-DNA, Hbeag and hepatitis

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I want to ask a doctor for advice. When my wife gave birth to the second child, she tested positive for HbsAg and Hbeag, now when the second baby is more than 6 months old, I have given her a HBV DNA PCR test, the result is 214449630 copies/mL. Currently, my wife has no loss of appetite, no nausea, and no pain in the right lower quadrant. I have a history of hepatitis caused by CMV, AST, ALT tests are usually approximately 100U/L for 4 years now but I have not quantified CMV. Now I'm a bit confused and confused, don't know what to do, ask the doctor for advice on HBV-DNA test results, Hbeag and hepatitis to help me. Thank you.
Phuong Van Thinh (1990)
Hello! Does your wife only have HBV-DNA results, don't know the results of liver enzymes and HBeAg? So no advice.
As for you, if your liver enzymes increase continuously for a long time, you will progress to chronic hepatitis, in addition to the cause of CMV. You should screen for other causes such as hepatitis A, B, C, EBV, alcohol...
You should go to a medical facility to see a hepatologist to check your liver more fully. You and your wife can also register for an examination at a Vinmec Health System hospital to be examined by qualified doctors. Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns with the question "Consultation of HBV-DNA test results, Hbeag and hepatitis" Wish your family always have good health.
Answered by Specialist I Vo Thi Thuy Trang - Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International Hospital
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