Are yellow eyes and low blood pressure a symptom of liver disease?

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Hello doctor, I want to ask about the following symptoms of my husband, whether he has liver disease: thickened eyelids, whites in the eyes turn yellowish, or fatigue, Loss of appetite, blood pressure dropped to only 90/50. Looking forward to receiving your advice, thank you doctor.
Anonymous question
Hello ! Thank you for submitting your question to the doctor.
Based on the information you have provided about your husband's health, you should take him directly to a hepatobiliary specialist soon because it is likely that your husband is related to blood diseases, in There is the destruction of red blood cells or hepatobiliary diseases such as: hepatitis (caused by viruses, poisoning, ...), inflammatory or obstructive diseases of the bile ducts.
Wishing you and your family healthy and happy !
Thank you for your question to the website Best regards.
MSc. Dr. Vu Van Quan - Gastroenterologist - Department of General Surgery & Anesthesia - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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