Adults wetting the bed, why?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi My - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.
Bedwetting is not only common in children but also in adults. Adult bed-wetting has a significant impact on the patient's psychology and daily life.

1. What is bedwetting in adults?

Bedwetting in puberty, bedwetting in youth or bedwetting in the elderly are all collectively known as adult bedwetting. Currently, about 1-2% of adults have bedwetting and that number can be even larger because of the fear, shame and unwillingness to share this problem.
Usually over time, bedwetting will go away on its own when the child grows up, however, if you still have bedwetting in adulthood, this is a manifestation of a certain disease.
Here are some causes of adult bedwetting:
Hormonal problems: A warning sign that your kidneys are slowing down urine production are anti-diuretic hormones. At night, to prepare for sleep, the body needs to produce more of this hormone to help the body reduce the need to urinate during sleep. However, in some people, this hormone is not produced or the body does not respond to the hormone, causing nocturia. A combination of the hormone ADH, bladder function, and sleep-related problems explains this problem. Having symptoms of neurological disorders, sleeping when the body is too tired, abnormal brain diseases (brain tumor, cerebrovascular accident, ..). Having a small bladder: actually, the size of a small bladder does not differ too much from other bladders, but the patient will often feel the bladder is fuller with only a small volume of urine. This means that the bladder acts like it is actually smaller, so you usually urinate more often and more often, and while sleeping, it is difficult to control the urge to go to the bathroom. Constipation: If you are constipated a lot, it also irritates the bladder. Psychological factors such as anxiety, insomnia, sadness also make you bed-wetting.

Yếu tố tâm lý như lo lắng, mất ngủ, buồn phiền là nguyên nhân khiến người lớn đái dầm.
Yếu tố tâm lý như lo lắng, mất ngủ, buồn phiền là nguyên nhân khiến người lớn đái dầm.
Overactive bladder: The bladder muscles contract when your bladder is empty, and relax when it is full. You won't be able to control your urination if your muscles contract at the wrong time. This is called an overactive bladder. Genetic factors: The risk of the disease for children with both parents having bedwetting is 77% Due to cancer: the urinary tract can be blocked or blocked if the bladder and prostate are enlarged u. Due to diabetes: Hygiene problems in the body will be changed if blood sugar levels in the body are not controlled. High blood sugar, urine output will also increase, causing the kidneys to work harder to control. This makes you bed-wetting and urinating more often. Due to sexual abuse, inflammation of the genital tract. Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This is a sleep disorder that causes the airways to become completely or partially blocked. About 7% of people with this disorder develop bedwetting. Bedwetting becomes more severe if apnea episodes become more frequent.

2. Treatment of bedwetting in adults

Bedwetting in adults causes patients to experience many inconveniences in life, in addition to low self-esteem, apprehension, and uncomfortable daily activities. The treatment of adult bed-wetting also takes a lot of time, requiring the strict adherence of the patient during the treatment. Can support the treatment of bedwetting effectively in a number of ways:
Before going to bed, you should limit drinking water. Increase urinary control by exercising the pelvic muscles. Follow a scientific diet, use foods that are good for the kidneys. Use drugs to reduce urinary excretion. Can be treated according to oriental medicine. Exercise regularly, keep your mind comfortable, avoid sadness and worry.

Thường xuyên tập thể dục là pháp điều trị người lớn đái dầm.
Thường xuyên tập thể dục là pháp điều trị người lớn đái dầm.
In the evening, avoid foods with caffeine and sweet drinks. Treatment of comorbidities. You should urinate often during the day. Bedwetting in adults not only affects the health of the patient, but also affects the patient's psychological well-being. Therefore, in order for the bedwetting disease to not progress for a long time, the patient should visit the hospital to determine the cause of the disease, from which the direction of timely and correct treatment can be given.
Master. American doctor has more than 6 years of experience as an internal medicine doctor at Hue Central Hospital, Hue University Hospital of Medicine and Pharmacy; Tam Tri Da Nang Hospital; Danang Hospital. Currently, he is a General Internal Medicine Doctor at Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.

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