Acne skin, maybe due to lack of substance?

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When the sebaceous glands under the skin secrete too much oil, combined with clogged pores (by bacteria, dead skin cells) leads to swelling, acne formation. There are many causes of acne, of which lack of substance is one of the most common.

1. Acne skin is lacking in what substance?

Many vitamins and minerals have good effects in preventing and eliminating acne. Without these vitamins and minerals, the skin is prone to acne. Those substances include:
1.1 Zinc Zinc is an essential mineral that supports cellular functions such as: Immune system function, protein and DNA synthesis, wound healing, cell division. , enzyme activity, prevent acne. Zinc also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial for reducing acne. In addition, zinc also helps reduce oil secretion on the skin.
In people with acne, blood zinc levels are significantly lower than usual. Thus, zinc deficiency is one of the causes of acne on the skin.
Therefore, a diet rich in zinc can help prevent and treat acne. Foods fortified with zinc include: Seafood (oysters, shrimp, crab), poultry, red meat, cereals, beans, nuts, milk and dairy products. In addition, users can supplement zinc from synthetic pharmaceuticals (used as prescribed by a doctor).
1.2 Vitamin A Vitamin A is involved in many body functions such as: Immune system function, vision function, reproductive function, cell-to-cell communication, stabilizing the functioning of the kidneys, heart, lung. In addition, vitamin A also helps fight the effects of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) - bacteria that cause acne.
A study done in 2013 found that the blood levels of vitamin A in people with acne were lower than usual. Vitamin A deficiency is considered one of the causes directly related to acne skin condition.
Therefore, to prevent and treat acne effectively, each person should add foods rich in vitamin A to the diet such as beef liver, herring, tuna, salmon, broccoli, sweet potatoes, etc. oranges, carrots, pumpkins, watermelons, apricots, mangoes, cereals, dairy products, etc. In addition, vitamin A supplements are also a good choice for users (when used under supervision). doctor's instructions).

Để phòng ngừa và trị mụn hiệu quả, bổ sung thêm thực phẩm giàu vitamin A vào chế độ ăn
Để phòng ngừa và trị mụn hiệu quả, bổ sung thêm thực phẩm giàu vitamin A vào chế độ ăn
1.3 Vitamin D Vitamin D supplementation is an effective way to prevent acne. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which helps maintain bone health. Not only that, vitamin D also plays a role in increasing the body's ability to fight infections. A 2016 study found that vitamin D levels were lower in people with acne than in people without acne. Therefore, it is possible to identify an association between vitamin D deficiency and the development of acne. In addition, vitamin D also has the ability to prevent bacteria P.acnes.
The human body can automatically produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. In addition, each person should also supplement this micronutrient through food consumed daily. The foods that are: Salmon, tuna, mackerel, beef liver, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, milk, juice, cereals,... At the same time, vitamin D can be supplemented through pharmaceuticals. synthetic products (as recommended by your doctor).

Bạn có thể bổ sung các thực phẩm giàu vitamin D để ngăn ngừa hiệu quả tình trạng mụn trứng cá
Bạn có thể bổ sung các thực phẩm giàu vitamin D để ngăn ngừa hiệu quả tình trạng mụn trứng cá

2. Notes in the prevention and treatment of acne

With just a few changes in daily living habits, each person can effectively prevent the appearance of acne:
Gently wash your face to remove dead skin cells and excess oil on the skin. Avoid over-cleansing the skin because it can cause many negative effects on the skin, making acne worse; It is advisable to shower immediately after exercising or when sweating a lot because sweat can clog pores; Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight because they will cause suffocation, make it difficult to sweat, and accumulate excess oil in the pores; Use cosmetics that do not clog pores, do not cause acne; Do not let your hair stick to your face because the oil in your hair can stick to your skin, causing acne; Avoid touching your face or squeezing pimples to avoid spreading bacteria. Wash your hair often, especially when it's greasy; Using vitamin C for acne skin: Should acne skin use vitamin C? The answer is yes. Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory that can reduce redness in acne spots. Vitamin C can also treat acne scars, reduce acne scars thanks to its ability to increase collagen synthesis to help improve structure and regenerate healthy skin;

Rửa mặt nhẹ nhàng để loại bỏ các tế bào da chết và dầu thừa trên da
Rửa mặt nhẹ nhàng để loại bỏ các tế bào da chết và dầu thừa trên da
Zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin D supplements can be used as prescribed by your doctor to use the correct dosage. Too much of these substances can be harmful. Specifically, the body with excess zinc can experience nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain,...; Excess vitamin A causes headaches, nausea, skin rashes, fatigue, hair loss, dry and scaly skin,...; Excess vitamin D increases blood calcium, causing headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea, cramps, muscle pain, bone pain,... Use acne medication as prescribed by your doctor. Doctor, re-examination on time.
Hope the above information has provided you with more options and answers to acne prone skin, which may be due to a lack of substances. Wish you always have a scientific diet and improve your work productivity and improve your life.

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