Acidic Foods: What to Limit or Avoid

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Several studies have shown that a diet high in acidic foods can cause a number of negative effects on a person's overall health, including bone deterioration, osteoporosis, kidney stones, ulcers or acid reflux.

Therefore, many people now choose to limit or eliminate acidic foods from their diet to balance the body's pH level.

1. Determination of acidity and alkalinity of foods

Measuring the pH value of foods and beverages is the most commonly used way to determine their acidity or alkalinity.
pH values ​​usually range from 0-14, specifically:
pH zero: Highly acidic pH level 7: Neutral pH 14: Alkaline Normally, pure distilled water will have The pH is neutral (equal to 7), so it is not acidic or alkaline.

Có thể dùng độ pH để xác định độ axit và độ kiềm của các loại thực phẩm
Có thể dùng độ pH để xác định độ axit và độ kiềm của các loại thực phẩm

2. Determination of pH in the human body

Just like different substances, different parts of the human body have their own pH levels. In the digestive system, pH values ​​can range from extremely acidic to slightly alkaline. Thanks to the difference in pH levels between organs and body fluids, they are able to perform well on their own specific tasks or functions:
Các bộ phận/chất lỏng của cơ thể Vai trò Độ pH
Nước bọt Hỗ trợ tiêu hóa thức ăn và phân hủy tinh bột. 6.5 - 7.5
Bụng trên Bắt đầu quá trình tiêu hóa thức ăn. 4.0 - 6.5
Bụng dưới Sản xuất ra axit hydrochloric để phân hủy thức ăn và tiêu diệt vi khuẩn. 1,5
Ruột non Kết thúc việc tiêu hóa và hấp thụ các chất dinh dưỡng vào máu. 6.0 - 7.4
Ruột già Hấp thụ nước, loại bỏ thức ăn và chất xơ khó tiêu. 5.0 - 8.0

Ideal blood pH is usually slightly alkaline, ranging from 7.35 to 7.45. When the pH level in the blood exceeds these limits, it will seriously impair the metabolic processes inside the body.

3. The ash – acid (acid – ash) hypothesis

The ash-acid hypothesis helps identify an acidic diet that is harmful to overall health. Researchers built on this hypothesis and discovered that when food is metabolized by the body, it leaves behind an excess of chemicals, known as "ashes." When combined with body fluids, these "ashes" form acids or alkalis and lead to a number of reactions in the body.
Hypothetically, foods containing acid-forming substances can cause blood pH levels to drop, causing acid buildup. The body then makes up for this loss by filtering out alkaline minerals, especially calcium.
Supporters of this hypothesis have suggested that regular and long-term food consumption increases the risk of bone mineral loss and osteoporosis.

Ăn quá nhiều thực phẩm có tính axit có thể gây loãng xương
Ăn quá nhiều thực phẩm có tính axit có thể gây loãng xương

Acidic foods that need to be limited include:
Nuts Meat Dairy Products Sunflower Pumpkin Nuts Coffee Carbonated drinks Alcohol Soft drinks Refined salt Tobacco Types Alkaline-promoting foods can prevent or counteract the effects of excess acids in the body. These foods are mainly fruits and vegetables. Even citrus fruits are inherently acidic at first, but once metabolized they can promote alkalinity.
In addition, the researchers also encourage people to test the pH of their urine more often to monitor the pH level of the body. This result will create a premise to help you choose a more suitable diet.

Các loại hạt có tính axit cần phải hạn chế sử dụng
Các loại hạt có tính axit cần phải hạn chế sử dụng

Acidic fruits and juices:
Here is a list of fruits that are high in acid, including:
Lemon juice: pH 2.00–2.60 Lemon: pH 2.00–2.80 Green plums : pH 2.80–3.40 Grapes: pH 2.90–3.82 Pomegranate: pH 2.93–3.20 Grapefruit: pH 3.00–3.75 Blueberries: pH 3.12–3.33 Pineapple: pH 3.20–4.00 Apples: pH 3.30–4.00 Peaches: pH 3.30–4.05 Orange: pH 3.69–4.34 Tomatoes : pH 4.30–4.90 Normally, citrus fruits will have a low pH, which means they are acidic. Citrus and certain other acidic foods can contribute to symptoms such as ulcers or acid reflux in people with gastrointestinal problems.
Besides, fruit juices are also acidic. Therefore, you should use a straw when drinking them. This keeps the juice from coming into direct contact with your teeth.
If the fruits listed above do not aggravate digestive symptoms, they are indeed a healthy source of food that you should include on a daily basis, even they have been shown to reduce risk of chronic diseases. Although initially acidic, when metabolized, most of these fruits turn alkaline.

Chanh và nước chanh là loại quả chứa nhiều axit
Chanh và nước chanh là loại quả chứa nhiều axit

pH of green vegetables:
Most vegetables are not acidic. Here is a list of vegetables and their pH:
Sauerkraut: pH 3.30–3.60 Cabbage: pH 5.20–6.80 Beets: pH 5.30–6.60 Corn: pH 5.90–7.50 Mushrooms: pH 6.00–6.70 Broccoli: pH 6.30-6.85 Collars: pH 6.50–7.50

4. Foods with low acid content

According to research results published in the Journal of Public Health, adopting a more alkaline diet will help limit muscle loss, while helping to enhance memory and memory. alertness, thereby helping you live longer.
Several alkaline or neutral foods and drinks that you can choose to incorporate into your diet include:
Soy, such as tofu, miso, and tempeh Milk sours , olive oil or nuts

Đậu nành không chỉ là thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng mà còn có tính axit thấp
Đậu nành không chỉ là thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng mà còn có tính axit thấp

5. How do acidic foods affect health?

A diet high in acid-producing foods, such as protein and sugar, can increase urine acidity and have a number of other negative health effects, including stones. kidneys, especially uric acid stones.
In addition, scientists have also found that eating too many acidic foods can lead to bone and muscle deterioration. Normally, bones contain calcium, but as acid levels increase, the body uses this calcium to restore the pH balance in the blood, which over time can lead to severe bone deterioration. .
Some evidence has shown that phosphoric acid found in soda is associated with reduced bone density. Besides, a diet high in acid also increases the risk of cancer, heart disease and liver problems.
Besides, you should not use sodium bicarbonate with meals because it can interfere with the digestive process. Instead, you should add more calcium, vitamin D and magnesium to your daily diet to offset the negative effects of acid on bone health.

Sỏi thận có thể hình thành do ăn nhiều thực phẩm sản xuất ra axit
Sỏi thận có thể hình thành do ăn nhiều thực phẩm sản xuất ra axit

As recommended by researchers at the University of California at San Diego, you should eat plenty of alkaline-producing food sources, such as fruits and vegetables, in a ratio of 3:1. The pH of foods before you eat them is often less important than the pH after they are metabolized in the body.
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Reference sources:,

Health benefits of bananas What does Lauric acid do Folic acid (Vitamin B9): Should be taken before pregnancy
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