A Guide to Cashew Allergy

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Cashew allergy is not common, but if it does, it often causes serious and life-threatening reactions. Being aware of an allergy to cashews and planning to avoid contact will be of great help to the patient.

1. Symptoms of an allergy to cashews

Allergy to cashews is often associated with serious complications, even death. To avoid unwanted consequences, it is important to understand the symptoms as well as the risk factors of this condition. Symptoms of a cashew allergy usually appear soon after a person is exposed to cashews. In rare cases, symptoms reappear several hours after exposure.
Symptoms of an allergy to cashews include:
Abdominal pain. Vomiting. Diarrhea . Have a runny nose. Short of breath. Difficulty swallowing Irritation in the mouth and throat. Anaphylaxis . Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that causes difficulty breathing and puts the body in a life-threatening condition. Seek immediate medical attention if you think you or a loved one is experiencing anaphylaxis.

2. Serious complications of cashew allergy

The most common complication of a cashew allergy is anaphylaxis, a systemic reaction that affects the entire body. Some serious reactions can be life-threatening. Anaphylaxis also affects:
The functioning of the airways. Heart function. Bowel activity. Skin reactions. If you are allergic to cashews and experience anaphylaxis, the obvious signs are swelling of the tongue and lips, difficulty speaking and breathing. You may also experience a sudden drop in blood pressure that causes weakness and fainting. This condition requires urgent attention and treatment because of the potential for death.
Most people will experience an allergic reaction to cashews within seconds of being exposed to cashews. This means that you don't have to eat cashews, you can still get a reaction just from inhaling cashew dust or touching cashews through your skin. All this affects the severity of the allergy. Other complications of an allergy to cashews include asthma, eczema, and hay fever.

Dị ứng hạt điều có thể gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của người mắc
Dị ứng hạt điều có thể gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của người mắc

3. Risk factors and cross-reactive foods

You are at greater risk of developing a cashew allergy if you have been allergic to other tree nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, or peanuts. People with a peanut allergy have a 25-40% higher risk of developing a tree nut allergy. The reason is that cashews and peanuts are often processed in the same factory and are prone to accidental contact. You should talk to your doctor to determine whether both nuts should be avoided to reduce cross-reactivity.
Cross-reactive foods are foods to which you are more likely to be allergic if you already have a particular allergy. For example, the main foods that cause cross-reactivity for people with a cashew allergy are pistachios and pink pepper. So these are the foods you should avoid if you have a cashew allergy. Talk to your allergist for more information and cross-reactive foods.

4. Allergy diagnostic test

If you think you have a cashew allergy, talk to an allergist for an accurate diagnosis and examination.
Specifically, your doctor will ask about your medical history, family history, and ask if you have allergies to other foods. They may also recommend allergy tests such as:
Skin prick test. Blood tests. Recommended diet. You should also carry your EpiPen injection with you at all times. It's a device that you can use to give yourself or someone else a dose of Epinephrine to deal with an emergency situation of anaphylaxis.

Xét nghiệm chích da giúp chẩn đoán dị ứng hạt điều
Xét nghiệm chích da giúp chẩn đoán dị ứng hạt điều

5. Food suggestions to replace cashews

One of the simplest ways to treat a cashew allergy is to avoid eating cashews and replace them with other nuts such as sunflower, flaxseed, pumpkin, hemp seeds. You can also replace cashews in recipes with legumes like chickpeas or soybeans.
If you enjoy snacking on cashews, you can also replace them with saltine crackers, they are also a good choice with a similar texture and salty taste like cashews.

6. Other notes when you have a cashew allergy

Cashews are very popular in Asian cuisine. Thai, Indian and Chinese cuisines frequently incorporate this nut in appetizers. Remind the server if you are allergic to cashews and ask not to add them in the dishes you order.
Sometimes cashews are added to Pesto sauce as a substitute for pine nuts. They are also found in cakes, pastries, and chocolates. Read the labels of these foods for caution.
Other products that may contain cashews include nut butters, nut oils, some forms of natural extracts, and some alcoholic beverages.
Cashews and other cashew preparations are also found in inedible products, including makeup, shampoos, and lotions. Check cosmetics and toiletries labels for the terms “Anacardium occidentale extract” and “Cashew nut oil” (Anacardium occidentale nut oil) on the label. It is an indication that the product may contain cashews.
In general, being well aware of nut allergies and taking care to control products and foods in contact will help you be more proactive in protecting your health and preventing unwanted side effects. .
In addition, to know what foods you are at risk of allergies to, you can go to the hospital for a general health check. Through routine tests, the doctor will evaluate and advise specifically on the diet and activities suitable for the current condition.
General health checkup package - Vinmec International General Hospital is performed by a team of qualified doctors combined with a system of modern machinery and equipment. Therefore, customers can be assured of the quality of services and medical care at Vinmec.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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