A 1-month-old baby has not yet stopped jaundice, is it dangerous?

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Is it dangerous for my 1 month old baby to have jaundice yet?
Luong Thi Huong (1997)
Hello doctor! Doctor, can I ask you something? My baby is 1 month old, but still has jaundice in the eyes, eyes and chin. So is there any effect? Do I have to go to the lights? Thank you
Anonymous question
Hello. Neonatal jaundice is usually due to the infant's liver not yet mature enough to remove bilirubin from the blood is a physiological phenomenon, usually appears within 24 hours of birth and usually resolves on its own after 1 week (for term infants) or approximately 2 weeks for premature infants (< 36 weeks of age).
Manifestations of pathological neonatal jaundice is early onset of dark jaundice, which does not go away after 1 week for full-term infants and 2 weeks for preterm infants, and the degree of yellowing of the whole body, palms, and feet. the conjunctiva of the eye. Simultaneously with jaundice, there are other unusual symptoms such as: lethargy, lethargy, convulsions...
Based on the information you provide, the doctor has not enough grounds to conclude the situation. your child's status. It is best to send your child to the Pediatric Department for examination, evaluation and timely treatment, to avoid long-term effects on the health of children.
You can choose the nearest hospital under Vinmec Health System to be examined by qualified doctors with many years of experience.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
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