8 evidence-based health benefits of kombucha tea

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Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been used for thousands of years. Kombucha teas not only have the same health benefits as regular teas because they are also rich in beneficial probiotics and contain a large amount of antioxidants, which can kill harmful bacteria and work against certain types of bacteria. sick. Here are the top 8 health benefits of kombucha, based on scientific evidence.

1. Kombucha is a good source of probiotics.

Kombucha is said to have originated in China or Japan. This tea is made by adding special strains of bacteria, yeast and sugar to black or green tea, and then brewed, these microorganisms will ferment the tea for a week or so.
During this process, bacteria and yeast form a fungus-like coating on the surface of the tea. This is why kombucha is also known as "mushroom tea". Both of these microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) are symbionts (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY), and can be used to ferment kombucha tea.
Fermentation produces acetic acid (also found in vinegar) and several other acidic compounds, very small amounts of alcohol, and gas. Large amounts of bacteria also grow in this mixture. While there's still no evidence of the probiotic benefits of kombucha, it does contain several species of lactic acid-producing bacteria that may have a biological function.

Có thể bổ sung probiotics cho cơ thể từ trà Kombucha
Có thể bổ sung probiotics cho cơ thể từ trà Kombucha

Probiotics provide the digestive system with beneficial, healthy bacteria. These bacteria can improve many aspects of health, including digestion, reducing inflammation and even weight loss. For this reason, adding drinks like kombucha to your diet can improve your health in many ways.
In a nutshell, Kombucha is a tea created by fermentation. This is a food source that contains many beneficial bacteria and has many health benefits.

2. Kombucha may offer the same benefits as green tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks. This is because green tea contains many bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, which function as potent antioxidants in the body. Kombucha is made from green tea, so it also contains many of the plant compounds found in green tea and perhaps boasts some of the same benefits as green tea.
Studies show that drinking green tea regularly can burn excess calories in the body, reduce belly fat, improve cholesterol levels, help control blood sugar and many other benefits. Several other studies have also shown that green tea drinkers may have a reduced risk of prostate cancer , breast cancer and colon cancer .
Kombucha is made from green tea, so it may offer many of the same health benefits as green tea, such as weight loss and blood sugar control.

3. Kombucha contains antioxidants

Antioxidants are those that protect the body against free radicals that react with these molecules that can damage the body's cells. Much scientific evidence shows that antioxidants from foods and beverages are better for our health than supplementing with antioxidants from dietary supplements.
Kombucha, especially when made with green tea, has antioxidant effects in the liver. Studies in rats show that regular intake of kombucha helps to reduce toxins that accumulate in the liver due to toxic chemicals, in some cases, a detoxification effect of at least 70%. Although no human studies yet exist on this effect, it does appear to be a promising area of ​​research for people with liver disease.
In summary, Kombucha is rich in antioxidants and studies have shown a hepatoprotective effect in rats from toxic substances that are harmful to the liver.

Chất chống oxy hóa trong trà làm giảm chất độc tích tụ trong gan
Chất chống oxy hóa trong trà làm giảm chất độc tích tụ trong gan

4. Kombucha can help the body kill bacteria

One of the main substances produced during the fermentation of kombucha is acetic acid, which is also abundant in vinegar. Like the polyphenols in tea, acetic acid can kill many potentially harmful microorganisms.
Kombucha made from black or green tea may carry strong antibacterial properties, specifically against infection-causing bacteria and the yeast Candida. These antibacterial effects stop the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast, but they do not affect the beneficial bacteria.

Kombucha có tác dụng chống lại nấm men Candida
Kombucha có tác dụng chống lại nấm men Candida

Probiotics are involved in kombucha fermentation. However, the health relevance of these antimicrobial properties remains unclear. To summarize, Kombucha is rich in polyphenols and acetic acid, both of which have been shown to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast.

5. Kombucha may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular disease is the world's leading cause of death. Studies in rats show that kombucha can significantly improve two markers of cardiovascular disease by lowering bad LDL cholesterol and increasing good HDL cholesterol, within just 30 days. In addition, tea (especially green tea) protects LDL cholesterol particles from oxidation, which is thought to contribute to cardiovascular disease. In fact, green tea drinkers have up to 31% lower risk of cardiovascular disease than non-drinkers, a benefit that kombucha tea may also offer.
In summary, Kombucha has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol in rats. This can help protect the body from cardiovascular diseases.

6. Kombucha may help better control type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes affects more than 300 million people worldwide. This condition is characterized by high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance of the body's cells. One study in diabetic rats found that kombucha slowed the digestion of carbs, lowering blood sugar levels. Kombucha tea also significantly improved liver and kidney function.
Kombucha made from green tea has the ability to lower blood sugar (even more beneficial) because green tea itself has been shown to lower blood sugar. In fact, a study that evaluated nearly 300,000 subjects found that green tea drinkers had an 18% lower risk of developing diabetes than those who didn't.

Kombucha có thể giúp kiểm soát tốt hơn bệnh đái tháo đường type 2
Kombucha có thể giúp kiểm soát tốt hơn bệnh đái tháo đường type 2

Further human studies are needed to verify the benefits of kombucha in blood sugar control. In summary, Kombucha improved indicators of diabetes in rats including improved blood sugar levels.

7. Kombucha May Help Protect Against Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. This pathology is characterized by cell mutations and uncontrolled cell growth.
In test-tube studies, kombucha has helped prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells due to the tea's high concentration of polyphenols and high antioxidants.
The mechanism by which the anticancer properties of tea polyphenols work is still poorly understood. However, it is thought that polyphenols suppress gene mutations and the growth of cancer cells and promote programmed cancer cell death.
For this reason, it is not surprising that tea drinkers are less likely to develop several different types of cancer. However, whether kombucha has any anti-cancer effects in humans has not been confirmed. Therefore, studies on this issue need to be clarified and researched more. Test-tube studies show that kombucha can stop the growth of cancer cells. However, more advanced studies are needed to understand this issue.

Polyphenol trong trà Kombucha giúp chống lại tế bào ung thư
Polyphenol trong trà Kombucha giúp chống lại tế bào ung thư

8. Kombucha is healthy when prepared properly

Kombucha is a tea rich in probiotics, which has many health benefits. You can buy kombucha tea at stores or make your own at home. However, be sure to process and use it properly.
Contaminated or over-fermented kombucha can cause serious health problems and even death. Homemade kombucha can also contain up to 3% alcohol. A safer option is to buy kombucha at a store or online. Commercial products are available in the market which are delicious and almost alcohol-free, as they are limited to less than 0.5% alcohol. However, check the ingredients and try to avoid kombucha teas that are high in sugar.
Many people believe that kombucha can help treat many chronic health problems. However, human studies on the effects of kombucha are few and evidence for its health effects is limited. In contrast, there is ample evidence for the benefits of tea and probiotics, both of which are found in kombucha. If you decide to use homemade kombucha, make sure the tea has been prepared properly. Contaminated kombucha can cause serious health problems.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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