5 month baby weighs 6kg, is it malnourished?

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The weight and height index for each age of the child is the concern of all parents, these indicators reflect the child's health and nutritional status. Many parents wonder about how much is their 5-month-old malnourished child?

1. Characteristics of a 5 month old baby

A child at the age of 5 months will begin to stare at his parents while eating and follow the adult's act of putting a spoon or fork in his mouth to chew. However, at this age, parents should not give their children solid foods because breast milk is still an essential source of nutrients for children, breast milk ensures all nutritional needs of children.
5-month-old babies often know how to turn over very easily, so it is often difficult for parents to keep the baby in a supine position while the baby sleeps. However, it should be noted that parents still have to put the baby on his back and wrap the baby in a towel when he sleeps until the child can turn on his or her stomach (at this time, the towel can cover the face and cause the child to suffocate when rolling over). again).
5-month-old babies usually sleep 2-3 times during the day, the maximum waking time is from 2 to 2.5 hours; Each sleep will usually last up to 2 hours and 30 minutes.
5 month old baby is very happy and comfortable, he can also lift his own head. But there are times when children are very irritable when they are unwell, unhappy or do not know what they want. This is the time when the child's personality has become quite clear.
Your 5-month-old baby begins to make a lot of high-pitched screams, squeals, chirps or laughs often. Many 5-month-old babies are most refreshed in the morning, after having a full meal and sleeping for a long time, parents should take advantage of this time to talk and play with their children, children will always smile with them. parents and enjoy seeing their parents smile back.
When hearing the parent's voice, the child knows how to turn and search, look into the parents' eyes and recognize familiar faces. When children try to reach for objects that are out of reach, parents should not let children catch too easily, challenges that force children to try to reach will make them more active, helping children learn to control. body moves at will.

Trẻ 5 tháng đã tự nâng được đầu của mình
Trẻ 5 tháng đã tự nâng được đầu của mình

2. What is the weight of a 5-month-old child who is malnourished?

How much is the standard weight for a 5-month-old baby, is a 5-month-old boy weighing 6.5kg good or a 5-month-old baby weighing 5kg and 6kg called malnourished? In fact, there are many questions about the baby's weight that parents are always wondering. According to the table of height - weight of children published by the World Health Organization WHO in 2007, the standard weight of children is determined by sex and age, the standard weight of a 5-month-old boy is 7.5kg and for girls 6.9kg. 5-month-old children are malnourished when the weight of boys is under 6.1kg and girls are under 5.5kg.
A 5-month-old baby boy weighing 6.5kg is a weight lower than the standard weight for boys at this age but not low enough to be malnourished, so a 5-month-old baby boy weighing 6.5kg is placed in the group Children at risk of malnutrition (weight of 5-month-old boys under 6.7kg and girls under 6.1kg are considered at risk of malnutrition).
In case a 5-month-old child weighs 6kg, if it is a boy, he is classified as a malnourished child (due to a weight below 6.1 kg), if it is a girl, he is now in the group of children at risk of malnutrition nutritional status (weighing less than 6.1kg) but not reaching the level of malnutrition in girls (weighing less than 5.5kg).
A 5-month-old child weighing 5kg, whether a boy or a girl, is considered a malnourished baby. This situation needs to be paid close attention by parents to find out the cause of malnutrition in children and the most appropriate way to improve.
One more factor to note according to the World Health Organization is the height of the child, a 5-month-old boy needs a height ranging from 61.9 to 65.9cm, for a girl is 59 ,6 - 68.5cm.

Trẻ 5 tháng nặng 5kg dù là bé trai hay bé gái đều được xem là suy dinh dưỡng
Trẻ 5 tháng nặng 5kg dù là bé trai hay bé gái đều được xem là suy dinh dưỡng

3. What should parents pay attention to when taking care of a 5-month-old baby?

Children are in the vaccination period, if you miss any injection of the 4th month, parents should schedule a vaccination for the baby immediately.
Parents do not need to be serious about cleanliness in the house, a lot of studies show that a little dirt will facilitate the development of the immune system. However, this does not mean that the living environment is not hygienic.
Parents need to be alert to toys that are advertised as "best", "most educational" for children because at this age children only need parents, siblings or relatives around is enough to make the baby happy. If possible, choose a few toys with bright colors, safe for the baby is enough. It is important to pay attention to the objects around the place where the baby sleeps to avoid covering the baby's face and suffocating the baby.
A few signs of children needing attention to bring their children to see a doctor:
5 months old baby does not babble, is often silent: signs of language retardation; Children use only one hand; The child does not respond to sounds, does not turn his head in the direction of the noise: hearing problems; Poor grip; Children do not recognize their parents: cognitive retardation. Parents need to talk and play with their children often to help them develop speaking and communication skills, or let them go out, meet and interact with new people to develop cognitive and social skills.
Practice for children to lie on their stomach every day for 10-15 minutes under the supervision of parents to strengthen their arms, back muscles, and neck muscles. Teach your baby to lean over by placing toys out of reach to help improve hand-eye coordination.
Start reading books with vivid, colorful illustrations to help your baby develop vision and communication skills. Play music to encourage your baby to laugh, clap, and babble along with the lyrics. In addition, to help children develop a standard height and weight, parents should supplement children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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