4 reasons why you missed your period while taking birth control pills

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Taking oral contraceptives is an effective method of contraception and is also applied in the treatment of a number of diseases. Birth control pills contain hormones and affect the menstrual cycle. In some cases, women who take birth control pills may have less menstrual periods or some completely stop their periods. There could be other reasons why you missed your period after taking birth control pills.

1. Mechanism of action of daily oral contraceptives

There are two different types of birth control pills: a combination of the female hormones estrogen and synthetic progesterone or a progestin-only version. In addition to the contraceptive effect, oral contraceptives are also indicated in menstrual regulation, hormonal regulation, acne treatment, acne reduction ... Mechanism of action of oral contraceptives includes:
Prevent prevents ovulation Thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching an egg Thins the lining of the uterus to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting. The effectiveness of birth control pills can reach 99% if you take them regularly. The delay in menstruation after taking oral contraceptives makes many women worry that they are pregnant. In case you miss your period after taking birth control pills, even though you take birth control pills regularly and do not forget any doses, the chances of pregnancy are not high. Even so, if you are sexually active and find that your period is too light or completely missed, you should contact your doctor for a checkup. You can take a home pregnancy test, but false positives and false negatives can happen. If you have a positive pregnancy test, it is imperative that you take a prenatal vitamin (folic acid) supplement and see your doctor immediately. Early symptoms of pregnancy include:
Missing period for a while Nausea Breast tightness Fatigue Lower back pain Frequent urination

Nếu bạn chậm kinh sau uống thuốc tránh thai, mặc dù uống đều đặn và không quên liều nào thì khả năng mang thai là không cao
Nếu bạn chậm kinh sau uống thuốc tránh thai, mặc dù uống đều đặn và không quên liều nào thì khả năng mang thai là không cao

These signs can appear as soon as you are a week late for your period. Your menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones when using the drug and you will have a period of about 28, this is the basis to monitor the time of missed period.
Most birth control failures happen when you have missed two or more doses in a row. You can also get pregnant if you take your birth control pill a day or two late.

Trắc nghiệm: Sự hiểu biết của bạn về kinh nguyệt

Kinh nguyệt có vai trò quan trọng đối với sức khỏe sinh sản, do đó nữ giới cần chủ động trang bị kiến thức để theo dõi và kiểm soát tình trạng sức khỏe. Bài trắc nghiệm sau đây sẽ giúp bạn hiểu hơn về chu kỳ kinh nguyệt của bản thân.

2. Reasons why you missed your period while taking birth control pills

Do you have menstrual irregularities when taking birth control pills and worry that a missed period after taking birth control pills means you are pregnant? If there is a delay in your period after taking birth control pills and after ruling out the possibility that you are pregnant, you need to find the cause of your missed period so that you can take measures to fix it. The hormone content in the pill can be the cause of your missed period, however, there are a number of other reasons that can be mentioned such as:
1.1. Stress
Excessive stress affects your mind and body. Too much stress can impair the function of the hypothalamus - the part of the brain that controls hormone regulation. You need to find the cause of stress to adjust, then your period can return to regularity.
1.2. Changing your diet
Changing your eating habits and losing weight too quickly can also delay your period. Being underweight, especially if you are 10% or more underweight, can also prevent ovulation and thus irregular periods. Some women with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia have an increased risk of menstrual irregularities.
1.3. Exercise
Too much exercise can also disrupt hormone levels and stop your period. Moderate exercise is a great way to stay healthy and in shape. However, if you train with intensity like professional athletes and dancers, you may experience irregular menstrual cycles. This may also be the case with some recreational athletes participating in long series of events.
1.4. Continuous Pill
Some women choose to take the Pill continuously. For example, some popular brand-name birth control pills like Seasonale, Seasonique and Yaz have active (hormone) pills that are taken first for three months, followed by one week of inactive (iron) pills. ). Even though you may have light periods between months, most periods can only occur four times per year during the weeks of not taking the hormone pill. Similarly, people who inject oral contraceptives also lose their periods.

Căng thẳng quá mức là một trong các nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng chậm kinh sau uống thuốc tránh thai
Căng thẳng quá mức là một trong các nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng chậm kinh sau uống thuốc tránh thai

3. Remedies for menstrual disorders when taking birth control pills

According to doctors, the phenomenon of delayed period after taking oral contraceptives or very little bleeding is a normal problem. Identifying the cause and fixing it will make your period regular again. Specifically:
First, make sure you take the time to de-stress. You can try starting with qigong, yoga, walking, etc., and even journaling to get to the bottom of your stress. Follow a healthy and balanced diet with work to keep your weight within normal limits. If you suspect you have an eating disorder, talk to a friend or report it to your doctor so they can help you manage cravings or anorexia. Maintain regular exercise but pay attention to control exercise intensity, do not exercise excessively. In addition to the phenomenon of delay in menstruation, some women may have a situation where they have not finished their period of birth control pills. As mentioned above, the composition of birth control pills is female hormone hormones. When using birth control pills in the first time will not provide a stable hormone for the body, so there will be menstrual disorders when taking oral contraceptives. However, after about 3 packs or more, this condition will improve.
If you have questions or concerns about your menstrual cycle, talk to your doctor for the best examination and advice. Vinmec International General Hospital is a high-quality medical address with a team of highly qualified doctors and experts. Therefore, when having any problems with the menstrual cycle while taking birth control pills, customers can go to the hospital for a health check as well as advice on the most suitable contraceptive method.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: healthline.com
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