10 rules to keep food safe outdoors

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Food poisoning often occurs when food is stored and processed improperly. According to the CDC, each year in the United States there are about 76 million cases of foodborne illness, including 32,500 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths. Evidence of foodborne illness is more common with warm weather, especially in summer.

1. Outdoor food preservation

Improperly preserved food can easily be contaminated with microorganisms from before cooking. Moreover, when bacteria have penetrated into food, they will multiply and change nutrients as well as nutrients. food quality. If using these foods, there is a very high risk of foodborne illness such as salmonella infection, staphylococcus ...
Food left in the environment is not safe for human consumption but also reduces the nutritional value of the food. food. Because, in the normal atmosphere, the process of converting substances in food takes place faster. Therefore, in addition to issues related to the nutritional quality of food provided to the body, it is necessary to pay attention to food hygiene and safety in order to avoid food-borne diseases.

2. 10 rules for keeping food safe outdoors

2.1. Keep your hands clean
In fact, dirty hands are one of the most common ways of contaminating food. So, in addition to controlling the source of food, be sure to wash your hands before handling or touching food. This includes washing hands after using the toilet, before eating, after handling raw food...

Rửa tay sạch sẽ bằng xà phòng và nước sạch giúp thực phẩm an toàn hơn
Rửa tay sạch sẽ bằng xà phòng và nước sạch giúp thực phẩm an toàn hơn

Hand washing with soap and water is the most effective way of cleaning. However, in some special cases such as being outside without water, you can use antibacterial gel or hand sanitizer. This operation is performed both before and after handling raw meat.
2.2. Wash cooking utensils and dishes between uses
In a survey of food consumption by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA), about 21% Processors do not wash cutting boards after slicing raw meat. And this is the risk of cross-contamination of microorganisms from one food to another.
Never let raw meat come into contact with other foods especially cooked foods. Because bacteria from raw food can infect cooked food. When using these foods, it is possible to get food poisoning.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) even recommends using two separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods. Moreover, the use of wooden cutting boards should be limited because for these types of cutting boards, even when thoroughly cleaned, they are still a good environment for microorganisms to reside and grow.

2.3. Fruits and vegetables need to be washed
Meat and poultry are not the only foods that can harbor bacteria. So fresh fruits and vegetables also need to be washed before use.
2.4. Keeping food cold
Storing perishable foods in the cooler compartment of the refrigerator can preserve food better. In the case of a picnic, a small cooler can be used for drinks and some foods such as chicken salad, cheese coleslaw and perishable foods. If raw meat and poultry are present, keep them separate from other foods by placing them in a sealed plastic bag and also refrigerated so they don't spoil before handling.

Để thực phẩm ở ngăn mát của tủ lạnh giúp thực phẩm được bảo quản tốt hơn
Để thực phẩm ở ngăn mát của tủ lạnh giúp thực phẩm được bảo quản tốt hơn
As a general rule, never eat cooked meat or dairy products that have been out of the refrigerator for more than two hours. The same principle applies to spices. However, this principle does not apply to raw meat or poultry.
2.5. Use a thermometer to measure the temperature of meat
Cooking time on the grill may differ from that in the kitchen. So a meat thermometer is needed to make sure the meat is fully cooked. Hamburger meat can be very risky if not handled properly. It's not like steak, hamburger meat is chopped and this is a risk factor for bacteria to internalize.
Or with chicken should not be partially cooked nor should chicken be cooked but still pink in the middle. Because, when processed foods are not heated enough to cook, they are an environment for microorganisms to grow. In addition, when defrosting these meats, they should be defrosted in the refrigerator to ensure meat safety.

2.6. Teaching children about food safety
When you teach your children about food safety, teach them the rules of food handling. This is very important for children. They may be rightly aware of the importance of washing hands before eating and after using the toilet. At the same time, they also have more knowledge about food safety to be able to prevent and handle when poisoning occurs.
2.7. Use non-perishable snacks
If you plan to go out, bring some foods that are not perishable such as: nuts, chips, peanut butter, bread ... These are foods that do not spoil when left outdoors and are easy to transport.

Bánh mì là một trong các loại đồ ăn nhẹ không dễ bị hư hỏng
Bánh mì là một trong các loại đồ ăn nhẹ không dễ bị hư hỏng

2.8. Stay safe with leftovers
Processed foods and leftovers should not be left out for two hours. It can become contaminated with bacteria and cause food poisoning when reused. Instead, put these leftovers in individual containers and keep them in the refrigerator or can freeze if desired. long storage time.
2.9. Call your doctor for food poisoning
Usually food poisoning symptoms develop between 8 and 48 hours after consuming the food. So, if symptoms persist and can become severe, then you need to see a doctor for treatment.
In case of suspecting that a group of people have food poisoning, they must immediately notify the nearest medical facility for a plan to find out the cause of the poisoning and an effective treatment regimen.
2.10. If you suspect that food has been modified, throw it out
If you think the food you are preparing for use may have been contaminated or improperly cooked, discard it. It is important that you put food safety first. And there's a lot of information available if you want to learn about this for meat, poultry, eggs and other foods.
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Reference source: webmd.com

How to keep food safe and hygienic 10 things to do to avoid poisoning How to store food scientifically and safely
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