What is Primaquine?

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Malaria is still a fairly common disease today and will cause death if not treated promptly. After you are diagnosed with malaria, you may encounter Primaquin 500 on your prescription, so what is Primaquine and how does it work.

1. What is Primaquin 500?

Primaquine is an antimalarial drug containing the active ingredient Primaquine phosphate with a concentration of 13.2 mg equivalent to 7.5 mg Primaquine.
Primaquine is used after killing the malaria parasites in the red blood cells with another drug such as Chloroquine. The drug can kill malaria parasites in tissues in other organs, thereby preventing the recurrence of malaria.

2. Effects of Primaquine

2.1 Therapeutic effects of Primaquine phosphate Treatment of eradication and prevention of recurrence of P.Vivax and P.Ovale malaria Prophylaxis of transmission of P. falciparum malaria, especially in areas with a high risk of infection fever again. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with AIDS. 2.2 Side effects of Primaquine phosphate Like other drugs, Primaquine can cause unwanted effects while using:
Common such as: Dizziness, nausea, epigastric pain or abdominal cramps, difficulty bear in the stomach.
Rare but very serious side effects may occur such as:
Signs of serious infection such as: high fever, severe chills, persistent sore throat. Signs of sudden loss of red blood cells such as: severe fatigue, dark brown urine, lips, fingernails, pale skin, heart palpitations. signs of a certain blood problem (methemoglobinemia, including bluish skin, lips, fingernails, headache, trouble breathing, dizziness, weakness, confusion, chest pain, fast heartbeats) . Anaphylactic reactions are very rare with Primaquine.

3. Objects to note when using Primaquin 500

People should not use Primaquine:
People with severe G6PD deficiency. Allergic to drugs People with acute diseases tend to have agranulocytosis such as: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus. People who are taking drugs or agents capable of causing hemolysis or depleting bone marrow factors. Breastfeeding person. Consideration when using the drug in pregnant women: because the drug crosses the placenta and can cause hemolytic anemia in G6PD-deficient fetuses in utero.

4. How to use Primaquin 500

Primaquine 500 is used once a day by mouth, it is recommended to take it with food to avoid stomach irritation, or take as directed by your doctor.
Primaquine is usually given within one to two weeks of you leaving an endemic area. Primaquine is also used within the last one to two weeks of the treatment for malaria. Primaquine should not be used for the treatment of malaria for longer than 14 days.
The dose to be given is based on the type of parasite you have and your body's ability to respond.
Should take the medicine regularly and exactly as prescribed by the doctor, you can take it at the same time every day to avoid forgetting the medicine. Missing doses, skipping doses, taking incorrect doses will greatly affect the therapeutic effect of Primaquine, which makes the treatment ineffective, and can also increase the number of malaria parasites in the body. the body (manifestation of drug resistance) makes treatment more difficult.
Use mosquito bite prevention measures to avoid contracting malaria (such as using suitable insect repellents, using insecticidal sprays, wearing clothing that covers most of the body, in areas where malaria is present. Air conditioning or good shelter, use a mosquito net) this is the best protection for you, as there is no completely effective treatment to prevent malaria.
When you have symptoms that make you think you have malaria (such as fever, chills, headache, other flu-like symptoms) seek medical attention immediately, especially if you are in the area. malaria-endemic areas or have recently left an infected area. If your symptoms persist or worsen while using Primaquine phosphate, tell your doctor.
If someone has overdosed on Primaquine and has severe symptoms such as fainting or difficulty breathing, call 911. If a dose is missed, take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next Primaquine dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as usual, never taking a double dose to make up for it.

5. Drug interactions

Primaquin 500 may interact with some other drugs such as: Penicillamine, Quinacrine, drugs that can cause low blood cells (such as Trimethoprim, Zidovudine, Pyrimethamine, Azathioprine). This does not include all drugs that may interact with primaquine. Share a list of all the products you use (including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, herbal products) with your doctor or pharmacist. Do not stop, start, or change the dose of any medication without your doctor's approval.
About half of the world's population is still at risk of malaria. Malaria prevention and treatment is quite difficult due to drug resistance, high migration, resistance to insecticides, etc. Therefore, the most effective way to avoid getting sick is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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