What is Cetrimide? Uses and dosages

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Cetrimide drug belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs often used by doctors to disinfect in traffic accidents or to apply topically to wounds, abrasions, and minor burns. Using Cetrimide correctly will help you heal quickly and avoid potentially dangerous infections.

1. What is Cetrimide?

Drug group: antibacterial and antifungal drugs for external use Drug name: Cetrimide Ingredients: cetrimide and excipients in sufficient quantity Drug form and content: 0.1-1% aqueous solution, topical cream 0.5 %

2. Uses of Cetrimide

Cetrimide drug belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs, which is a mixture of many different quaternary ammonium salts.
Cetrimide in the form of a 1-3% solution is the best antiseptic to clean wounds, especially traffic accident wounds. Cetrimide in the form of an antiseptic cream is usually indicated for the treatment of minor burns, minor scalds, wounds, and minor scratches.

Thuốc Cetrimide được dùng cho trường hợp điều trị các vết bỏng nhẹ
Thuốc Cetrimide được dùng cho trường hợp điều trị các vết bỏng nhẹ

3. Dosage and how to use Cetrimide

Dosage of Cetrimide for adults:
For skin wounds, apply 0.1-1% aqueous solution or 0.5% cream to the injured skin. Topical use for seborrheicitis : Use a 10% shampoo solution applied to the scalp Dosage of Cetrimide for children : Cetrimide has not been determined the safety and effectiveness of the drug for children. under 18. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before using Cetrimide in children.
How to use Cetrimide:
Clean hands before using to apply the medicine to the wound Clean the wound surface if necessary Apply a thin layer of medicine to the surface of the injured skin Continue using the medicine until when the wound subsides.

4. Notes when using Cetrimide

Cetrimide users should note the following issues to avoid using the drug in the wrong way leading to unwanted effects:
Pregnant women should not use Cetrimide, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy because there is a risk of miscarriage, teratogens, fetal malformations, ... If in the case of mandatory use of the drug, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using it. Women who are breast-feeding should also not use the drug. Because the drug can be passed from breast milk to the baby.

Phụ nữ mang thai không nên tự ý sử dụng thuốc khi chưa có ý kiến của bác sĩ chuyên khoa
Phụ nữ mang thai không nên tự ý sử dụng thuốc khi chưa có ý kiến của bác sĩ chuyên khoa

Store the medicine at room temperature, away from moisture and places with direct sunlight, keep it out of reach of children and pets. Underwater. If you take the wrong medicine, you should immediately go to the nearest medical facility or hospital to handle Cetrimide medicine can interact with some drugs, change their ability to work or increase the effect of side effects. Therefore, you should bring a list of prescription or non-prescription drugs you are using to consult your doctor. Never use expired medicine because the nature of the drug will change, affecting human health. use

5. Cetrimide side effects

Some of the side effects you will experience while taking Cetrimide
are as follows:
Nausea or vomiting, esophageal necrosis Hemolysis in the veins or uterus Rarely burning on the upper body Skin When overdosing or experiencing undesirable effects of the drug should notify the doctor or immediately go to the nearest medical facility for appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.
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