Uses of Vincerol 4

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Vincerol 4 is a prescription drug belonging to the group of cardiovascular drugs, which has a role in cardiovascular treatment. The drug has the main active ingredient Acenocoumarol 4mg, produced in the form of tablets. What are the uses of Vincerol 4? Check out the article below.

1. Uses of Vincerol 4

Vincerol 4 is indicated in the following cases:
Myocardial infarction Heart disease causing embolism Helps prevent the formation of venous thrombosis. Limiting pulmonary embolism in hip surgery. Vincerol 4 is not indicated for use in the following cases: Severe liver failure, severe renal failure, esophageal varices, cerebrovascular accident, progressive peptic ulcer.

2. Dosage - How to use Vincerol 4

Vincerol 4 is divided into doses according to the appropriate age, depending on the treatment response of each person.
Dosage for adults: The first two days at 4 mg/day (equivalent to 1 tablet/day), Vincerol 4 should be taken in the evening and at the same time. From the third day, the dose will be adjusted from 1-8mg/day based on the results of biological examination. Dosage for children: Vincerol 4 has no specific evidence and is still limited when used in children, requiring the supervision of specialists at medical facilities. Dose in the elderly: For the elderly, the starting dose must be lower than the adult dose. The therapeutic dose is usually only 1/2 to 3/4 of the adult dose. If you miss a dose, take a dose of Vincerol 4 as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip it and take your next dose as directed.

3. Undesirable effects of Vincerol 4

Vincerol 4 drug often has the most common complication: bleeding can occur all over the body (central nervous system, extremities, viscera, intra-abdominal, intra-ocular...) Complications Rarely or rarely when taking Vincerol 4, such as: diarrhea (may be accompanied by fatty stools), isolated joint pain.

4. Drug interactions

When using Vincerol 4, it is necessary to pay attention to contraindications in combination with the following drugs:
Aspirin at high doses above 3g/day (increases anticoagulant effect and risk of bleeding) Miconazole (inhibits metabolism of anti-vitamin drugs) K and unexpected bleeding) Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (gastrointestinal mucosal irritation and platelet inhibition increase the risk of bleeding).

5. Precautions when using Vincerol 4

For Vincerol 4, it is important to take the medicine every day at the same time. Vincerol 4 should not be used during pregnancy (risk of fetal malformations and miscarriage), only when it is not possible to give heparin. When using Vincerol 4, it is necessary to avoid breast-feeding, if breast-feeding, vitamin K should be supplemented for the child.

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