Uses of Infulgan

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Paracetamol is a well-known drug with very effective pain-reducing and fever-reducing effects. Paracetamol has many different routes of administration, including intravenous infusion with Infulgan. So what is Infulgan and what should patients pay attention to when using?

1. What is Infulgan?

Each bottle of Infulgan 100 will include the following ingredients: Paracetamol concentration 10mg/ml (equivalent to 1g/100ml) and some excipients just enough in 1 bottle.
Paracetamol in Infulgan is a very familiar active ingredient because it is used regularly for the purpose of reducing fever and/or pain. The exact mechanism of action of Paracetamol has not yet been determined but the greatest likelihood is probably related to central and peripheral effects.
The analgesic effect of Infulgan usually appears within 5 to 10 minutes after taking the drug, the peak analgesic effect is achieved in 1 hour and lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The antipyretic effect should appear within 30 minutes of starting Infulgan with antipyretic duration of at least 6 hours.

2. Indications and contraindications of Infulgan

With the above effects of Paracetamol, Infulgan is often indicated for the short-term treatment of moderate pain, especially postoperative pain, and to reduce fever in urgent cases, especially when fever cannot be reduced by other routes of administration.
However, absolutely do not use Infulgan in patients with the following problems (contraindications):
Patients who are allergic or hypersensitive to Paracetamol or Propacetamol hydrochloride (precursor to Paracetamol) or any of the ingredients. which is included in Infulgan ; Patients with severe liver failure.

3. Dosage, how to use Infulgan

Infulgan products are for intravenous use only. This product is not suitable for oral consumption or for any other therapeutic use. The technique of intravenous infusion of Infulgan should only be performed by qualified medical personnel.
The recommended dosage of Infulgan is as follows:
Reference dosage is 10-15mg/kg/time; The minimum time between each infusion of Infulgan should be at least 4 hours apart and no more than 4 infusions in 24 hours; Note that the minimum interval between each administration of Infulgan in patients with severe renal impairment is 6 hours. Missing doses of Infulgan is very rare because the dosing is done and supervised by medical staff. If for any reason the use of Infulgan is missed, the patient should immediately inform the doctor for instructions.
Infulgan overdose and treatment:
Symptoms of Paracetamol overdose usually appear within the first 24 hours, including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pallor, abdominal pain. In particular, patients are at high risk for liver damage, complete and irreversible hepatocellular necrosis, leading to liver failure, metabolic acidosis or encephalopathy and, more seriously, coma and death. death; How to handle Infulgan overdose: Patients should immediately notify their doctor if they find themselves taking Infulgan more than the recommended dose so that they can take timely measures.

4. Side effects of Infulgan

Reports indicate very rare occurrence of side effects while taking Infulgan . If present, there is usually a burning sensation and pain at the injection site.
According to the manufacturer's instructions, Infulgan can lead to some side effects as follows:
Rare: Low blood pressure, increased levels of liver transaminases; Very rare: Hypersensitivity reactions (skin rash, urticaria, pruritus, erythema), anaphylaxis, decreased platelet or white blood cell count, tachycardia. If you experience any serious symptoms while using Infulgan, you should notify your doctor immediately.

5. Infulgan drug interactions

Infulgan when used together with the following drugs may lead to adverse interactions, specifically as follows:
Probenecid reduces the clearance of Paracetamol, therefore, the dose of Infulgan should be reduced when it is required to be co-administered with Probenecid. ; Salicylamide may prolong the half-life of Paracetamol, so caution should be exercised when combining with Infulgan; To ensure safety when taking Infulgan, the patient should inform the doctor about all the medicines, health foods being used as well as the medical history to minimize adverse interactions. happen.

6. Be careful when using Infulgan

Pregnant women: Clinical experience with Paracetamol by intravenous infusion in this subject is quite limited. Therefore, Infulgan should be used during pregnancy only after a careful assessment of the potential benefits and risks.
Lactating women: Paracetamol is excreted in breast milk in small amounts, however, Infulgan should only be used for this subject when prescribed by a doctor.
Infulgan does not affect the ability to drive or use machines.
Use caution when using Infulgan for the following cases:
Patients with impaired liver function; Patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance ≤ 30mL/min); Patients with chronic alcoholism; Patients with chronic malnutrition; The person is in a state of dehydration.

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