Uses of Frakidex

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Frakidex is an eye drop solution containing ingredients such as: Framycetin sulphate and dexamethasone sodium phosphate, the drug has a concentration of 5mg / 5ml. To know more about what Frakidex is, read through the article below.

1. Uses and indications of the drug Frakidex

1.1. Uses

Frakidex eye drops 5ml is a combination of 2 main ingredients: Framycetin sulphate, Dexamethasone sodium Phosphate along with excipients. Therefore, the drug carries the full pharmacological effects of these two main ingredients. Framycetin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that binds to the 30S and 16S subunits of the ribosome. This active ingredient Framycetin will inhibit the protein synthesis of bacteria, causing misreading of mRNA to create Monosomes that are unable to function and do not cause toxicity to the user's body. Framycetin is used mainly in ocular infections and is particularly susceptible to aerobic bacterial strains.
Dexamethasone is an active ingredient of the Glucocorticoid group, which has immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, and steroid analgesic effects. Frakidex eye drops are used to reduce the inflammatory response of the body, reduce swelling, edema in inflammation.

1.2. Point

Patients have lesions, inflammation in the front part of the eyeball such as conjunctivitis, keratitis. Blepharitis caused by bacteria sensitive to Framycetin. Swollen red edema causing discomfort in the eyes. Post-op ophthalmic surgery helps prevent eye infections.

2. Dosage and how to use Frakidex

2.1. Frakidex eye drops dosage

In case the patient has severe infections, you can instill 1 drop / time / hour for each affected eye in the early stages of treatment. After that, maintain regular use of the drug, full dose and each course of treatment usually lasts at least 7 days to achieve the best treatment effect. In other cases, drop 1 drop / 3 - 6 times / day, for each affected eye. Dosage is for reference only, consult your doctor or pharmacist about the dosage of Frakidex to get the most appropriate and safest dose for you.

2.2. How to use Frakidex eye drops?

Clean hands and eyes before instilling Frakidex eye drops 5ml.
Note: The opened medicine should not be used more than 15 days, so you can write the date of opening the vial on the bottle to mark. Each vial of eye drops should only be used by one person to avoid infection between patients during drug treatment.

3. Contraindications to taking Frakidex

Absolutely do not use Frakidex eye drops 5ml for subjects with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients framycetin sulphate and dexamethasone sodium phosphate or other excipients contained in the drug.

4. Frakidex drug side effects

Some common side effects in patients during treatment with Frakidex eye drops 5ml:
Burning of the cornea. Corneal pain. Increased secretions in the eyes, watery eyes, rusty eyes cause discomfort. If you experience the above unpleasant symptoms or any strange symptoms when using Frakidex eye drops 5ml, please inform your doctor immediately for safe and appropriate treatment.

5. Frakidex drug interactions with other drugs

To date, there have been no reports of interactions occurring with the use of Frakidex 5ml eye drops with other drugs or products. However, you need to tell your doctor about all medications or supplements you are taking to avoid other adverse interactions.

6. Treatment of overdose Frakidex

Go to the nearest medical facility for treatment when symptoms appear due to an overdose of frakidex eye drops.
Frakidex drug is a drug to treat eye infections: Blepharitis, keratitis, eye conjunctivitis, ... Frakidex eye drops should be used as prescribed by a doctor to ensure safety on eye health. drug use. If you have any questions about Frakidex, please contact your doctor immediately for answers.
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