Uses of Alembic Alemtob

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Alembic Alemtob D is indicated for the treatment of eye infections. So how is Alembic Alemtob D used? Read the article below for complete information on how to use and note when taking the drug.

1. What is Alembic Alemtob D?

Alembic Alemtob D contains Tobramycin 15g, Dexamethasone 5mg and excipients provided by the manufacturer. Mechanism of action of the drug Alembic Alemtob D
Tobramycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with bactericidal effect. Tobramycin is active against many gram-negative and gram-positive aerobic bacteria such as Staphycoccus aureus, Citrobacter sp. Enterobacter... Tobramycin has no effect on Chalmydia, fungi, viruses and most anaerobic bacteria. The drug's mechanism of action is the inhibition of protein synthesis in susceptible bacteria by irreversibly binding to the 30s ribosomal subunit.

2. Uses of the drug Alembic Alemtob D

Alembic Alemtob D is indicated for the treatment of:
Local treatment of inflammatory ocular conditions that respond to steroids and where corticosteroids are indicated and when there is a superficial bacterial infection of the eye or risk. eye infection. Steroid eye drops are indicated in blepharitis and ocular conjunctivitis, keratitis, and anterior segment of the eye when the inherent risk of steroid use is accepted to reduce edema. and inflammation. The drug is also indicated for use in cases of chronic anterior uveitis and corneal damage caused by chemicals, rays or thermal burns or by foreign bodies. Besides, Alembic Alemtob D is contraindicated for treatment with other drugs. Patient case:
Allergy to active ingredients Tobramycin and Dexamethasone or other excipients in the composition of the drug. Keratitis caused by Herpes Simplex ,Vaccinia, Varicella and other viruses. Fungal infection of the eye. After removing the foreign body, the cornea did not cause complications

3. Dosage and how to use Alembic Alemtob EASY

The drug is prepared in the form of an eye drop solution, so the drug is dripped directly into the eye with the dose and time as directed by the doctor.
The following is the recommended dose of Alembic Alemtob D:
Instill 1 or 2 drops into the sac with the conjunctiva, repeating the dose every 4-6 hours. In 24 to 48 hours the dose can be increased to 1 or 2 drops every 2 hours. When clinical symptoms have improved, the dose can be gradually reduced. Caution should not be treated too early. This dosage is for reference only, depending on the condition of each patient, the treating doctor will prescribe the appropriate dose. Therefore, do not self-medicate, patients should use the drug strictly according to the prescription and instructions of the professional doctor.

4. Side effects of the drug Alembic Alemtob D

Before prescribing, doctors always weigh the benefits of Alembic Alemtob D's effectiveness outweigh the risk of unwanted effects in patients taking the drug. However, some cases when using Alembic Alemtob D may still occur unwanted effects such as:
Local swelling, itching and burning eyelids, conjunctival congestion. Increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, optic nerve damage, posterior subcapsular cataract, delayed wound healing. Secondary bacterial infections, when treated with steroids, the possibility of fungal infection must be considered in any case of persistent corneal ulceration. In the course of taking the drug, when the patient encounters the above undesirable effects or any symptoms, immediately notify the doctor for advice and appropriate intervention.

5. Alembic drug interactions Alemtob D

To date, there have not been many studies on drug interactions of Alembic Alemtob D with other drugs or foods. Therefore, to ensure the safety of patients when taking drugs, it is advisable to inform your doctor about the medicines you are using such as prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, functional foods, herbs... to limit for possible interactions with concomitant medications.

6. Some notes when using Alembic Alemtob EASY

Here are some notes when using Alembic Alemtob D drug to help achieve effectiveness for patients as well as avoid potential side effects such as:
Beware of the risk of fungal infection of the cornea in case Long-term use of Alembic Alemtob D. Pregnant and lactating women: use the drug only when prescribed by the treating doctor and weigh the benefits and possible risks when using the drug in the target group. this. The drug does not affect the ability of people to drive and use machines, but after instilling the drug there will be temporary blurred vision or mild visual disturbances. Therefore, you can stop driving or operating machinery immediately after taking the drug until the vision returns to normal. Discontinue use if any local allergic reactions in the eyes occur. Prolonged use of the drug can lead to glaucoma, optic nerve damage, visual and field defects, posterior subcapsular cataract. Routine monitoring of intraocular pressure is recommended, although it is difficult to perform in children and uncooperative patients. Prolonged use of Alembic Alemtob D may decrease the body's response and thus increase the risk of secondary eye infections. There is a risk of overgrowth of non-susceptible microorganisms including fungi with prolonged treatment. If superinfection occurs, appropriate treatment should be initiated. Patients should be instructed to avoid touching the dropper tip to the eye, eyelid, finger or any other surface. Above is the important information of the drug Alembic Alemtob D, carefully reading the instructions before use and strictly following the doctor's instructions will help patients use the drug effectively and safely.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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