Uses and uses of Redoxon

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Redoxon drug is often indicated to prevent and treat vitamin C deficiency. So what is Redoxon drug and what should be noted when using it?

1. What is Redoxon?

Redoxon drug is a product of PT Bayer Indonesia, the ingredients include Vitamin C and zinc, so it is often indicated for cases of deficiency of these 2 nutrients.
In addition, redoxon is also used for the purpose of preventing and treating vitamin C and zinc deficiency in certain conditions that increase the body's need or increase the risk of deficiency, common in patients or people at high risk for infections, colds, smoking, after surgery or helping with wound healing.
Ingredients of redoxon drug:
Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) content 1000mg; Zinc (as zinc citrate) 10mg; Some excipients such as sodium hydrogen carbonate, citric acid, malic acid, isomalt, macrogol 6000, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, citrus flavor and some others.

2. What are the effects of redoxon?

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an important antioxidant in the body. In fact, the body has a relatively low ability to store this vitamin, so a regular supply is extremely necessary. Vitamin C and dehydroascorbic acid (its metabolite) form a redox recovery system, which is involved in many enzymatic reactions. In addition, Vitamin C acts as a cofactor (cofactor) of a number of hydrolysis and amidation reactions through the effect of transferring electrons to enzymes to form the reducing equivalent. The importance of Vitamin C to human health has been demonstrated through a lot of clinical evidence such as vitamin C deficiency causing scurvy.
Characteristic manifestations of Scurvy's disease are slow wound healing, bone growth disorders, impaired vascular strength or defective tooth structure... and all are related to the decline in collagen formation.
Another ingredient in redoxon, zinc, also plays an important role. Like vitamin C, low zinc levels can slow wound healing, increasing the risk of developing skin sores from prolonged lying down. At the same time, zinc plays an extremely important role in the maintenance of effective immune responses, the most important of which is the T-cell-mediated immune response.
Contraindications to use redoxon:
Kidney stones or a history of kidney stones; Increased urinary oxalate; Severe renal failure with a glomerular filtration rate less than 30ml/min, including those on hemodialysis; Hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the ingredients in redoxon.

Redoxon giúp phòng ngừa và điều trị bệnh thiếu Vitamin C
Redoxon giúp phòng ngừa và điều trị bệnh thiếu Vitamin C

3. Dosage and how to use Redoxon drug

Redoxon is formulated in the form of effervescent tablets, so when using it, it is necessary to dissolve the drug in a glass containing 200ml of water and create an orange-flavored drink.
Dosage of redoxon:
Adults and children over 12 years old: 1 tablet/day; Redoxon is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age. When used exactly as directed, there is no evidence that redoxone can cause an overdose. However, vitamin C and/or zinc can be obtained from a variety of sources. Symptoms, test results and consequences of an overdose of redoxon are diverse and depend on the location and sensitivity of each person.
General manifestations of overdose of vitamin C and/or zinc due to redoxone may include gastrointestinal disturbances (including diarrhea, nausea and vomiting).
In addition, vitamin C overdose may manifest some unusual symptoms as follows:
Acute or chronic vitamin C overdose (using over 2 g/day) causes increased serum and urine oxalate concentrations , leading to the risk of calcium oxalate crystal deposition in the urine, thereby forming kidney stones, renal tubular or interstitial diseases or, more seriously, acute renal failure. It should be borne in mind that patients with existing (mild to moderate) renal impairment may be more susceptible to overdosage, so consult a physician before using redoxon ; Using vitamin C at doses above 3g/day in children and more than 15g/day in adults can lead to oxidative hemolysis or disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients with G6PD deficiency. If zinc overdose can lead to abnormal manifestations as follows:
Irritation and corrosion of the gastrointestinal tract; Acute tubular necrosis; Interstitial nephritis; Copper shortage; Iron-cell anemia; Spinal nerve disease.

4. Redoxon side effects

The side effects of redoxon drug are mostly detected spontaneously, so it is difficult to assess the frequency of occurrence, including:
Digestive disorders such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and abdominal pain; Immune system disorders including allergic reactions or anaphylaxis; Undesirable effects when using Vitamin C:
Ợ hot; Abdominal cramps; When used in high doses, it will cause increased oxaluria, hemolytic anemia, insomnia or flank pain.

Thuốc Redoxon có thể gây ra các cơn co cứng cơ bụng cho người dùng
Thuốc Redoxon có thể gây ra các cơn co cứng cơ bụng cho người dùng

5. Redoxon drug interactions

Redoxon drug interactions will include interactions of Vitamin C and that of zinc. In particular, some interactions of Vitamin C should be noted as follows:
Desferrioxamine: Vitamin C increases the toxicity of iron in tissues, especially in the heart because it can lead to decompensated heart failure; Cyclosporine: Vitamin C may cause a decrease in blood levels of cyclosporin; Disulfiram: High or prolonged use of Vitamin C may affect the effectiveness of disulfiram; Indinavir: High doses of vitamin C may cause a decrease in serum concentrations, thereby significantly affecting the effectiveness of indinavir; Warfarin: High doses of vitamin C may affect the effectiveness of warfarin; Aspirin: Concomitant administration of two active ingredients may lead to increased excretion of vitamin C and decreased urinary excretion of aspirin. Aspirin can inhibit the absorption of vitamin C by white blood cells and platelets, so this vitamin C concentration will decrease, only slightly higher than in people with tissue ascorbic acid deficiency. However, there is no evidence that aspirin use will promote vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C supplementation in people taking aspirin cannot increase ascorbic acid levels in white blood cells or store Vitamin C in tissues. Therefore, this combination is not guaranteed; Vitamin B12: Taking high doses of Vitamin C can destroy vitamin B12, so high doses should be avoided for about an hour after taking vitamin B12; Some common drug interactions when using zinc supplements:
Copper: Zinc reduces copper absorption; Iron: The bioavailability of zinc declines in the presence of high concentrations of iron ions in supplements.

6. Some notes when using Redoxon drug

Some cautions in the process of taking redoxon:
Absolutely do not exceed the recommended dose of redoxon. Overdosing on vitamin C can lead to a number of adverse health effects as outlined above. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking redoxon if you are currently taking single vitamin C supplements, multivitamin preparations or any other medications; Patients with a history of kidney failure should consult and discuss with their doctor before using Vitamin C in high doses; Patients with confirmed G6PD deficiency should not take Vitamin C higher than the recommended dose because the risk of overdose is associated with a dangerous condition known as hemolytic anemia; Take redoxon medicine 4 hours apart from other drugs; Vitamin C can affect the results of some tests, including blood sugar tests. Therefore, people using Vitamin C need to inform their doctor if any kind of test is prescribed; Redoxon contains Aspartame, so it is not recommended for use in people with phenylketonuria; The drug is quite safe during pregnancy when used under the direction of a doctor, however, there are still not enough studies to assess the risk of the drug during pregnancy, so it should only be used when prescribed by a doctor. Medical experts. Large amounts of vitamin C taken into the body during pregnancy can increase the need for vitamin C and potentially lead to scurvy in the newborn, so the recommended dose should not be exceeded; The drug is also quite safe for women who are breastfeeding when used as directed, but should only be used when prescribed by a medical professional because Vitamin C and zinc are excreted in breast milk. Redoxon is often indicated for the prevention and treatment of Vitamin C deficiency. To ensure effective use and avoid side effects, patients need to take the drug according to prescription or consult a doctor, pharmacist. advise.
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