Podofilox: Uses, indications and cautions when using

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Sensitive diseases are often hidden by people until they get worse, including genital warts. Currently, Podofilox is known to be a product of choice for many users and is recommended by doctors to treat genital warts. Let's find out together what Podofilox has and the notes when using Podofilox.

1. What is Podofilox?

The main ingredient of Podofilox is Podofilox, which is produced in the form of a topical gel with a concentration of 0.5%. Podofilox may be chemically synthesized or purified from the plant families Coniferae and Berberidaceae (e.g. species Juniperus and Podophyllum). Podofilox is an anti-mitotic drug that blocks the growth of pathogenic cells and is used in the treatment of genital warts. However, Podofilox is not indicated for the treatment of perianal or mucosal warts.
2. How to use Podofilox correctly? Proper use will help increase the absorption of active ingredients and Podofilox will promote its maximum effect, ensuring effective treatment for users. Therefore, patients should pay attention to the following notes when using Podofilox:
Podofilox is only used on the skin, used by topical application. Podofilox is usually applied once in the morning and again in the evening for 3 days, followed by a 4-day break. If the wart does not go away, repeat up to 4 times. If after 4 weeks of treatment the wart is still not gone, contact your doctor for other options. You should wash your hands and clean and dry the affected skin before applying the medicine. Use the tip of the applicator or your fingertips to apply a small amount of Podofilox to the wart and allow the gel to dry. Avoid contact of Podofilox with eyes, nose, mouth and ears. If Podofilox gets in your eyes, nose, mouth, or ears, wash it off immediately with clean water. Wash your hands immediately after using Podofilox.

Thuốc Podofilox được biết đến là một sản phẩm được nhiều người dùng lựa chọn và được các bác sĩ khuyên sử dụng để điều trị mụn cóc sinh dục
Thuốc Podofilox được biết đến là một sản phẩm được nhiều người dùng lựa chọn và được các bác sĩ khuyên sử dụng để điều trị mụn cóc sinh dục

3. What are the side effects of Podofilox?

In addition to the therapeutic effect, the use of Podofilox can lead to unwanted effects. Common side effects of Podofilox include: swelling, pain, burning, itching, peeling skin, small sores, or headache.
Tell your doctor right away if while taking Podofilox you experience any serious side effects including:
Bleeding, Severe allergic reactions that are classified as Podofilox are very rare. with symptoms including: itching and/or swelling of the tongue and throat, rash, dizziness, itchy facial swelling, feeling short of breath. These are not all the possible side effects of Podofilox. Before using Podofilox, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any allergies to Podofilox or other drugs in its class, or any other skin problems (e.g., skin cancer).
While taking Podofilox, if you notice other unwanted effects not listed above or if any of these side effects get worse or last longer, don't be subjective, see your doctor again.

4. What drug interactions can occur when taking Podofilox?

Interactions between Podofilox and other drugs, when taken at the same time or for a short period of time, can affect each other's activities, effects, and effectiveness, or even increase the risk of side effects. serious want of each drug. So, before using Podofilox, tell your doctor about all other medicines and products you are using.

Trước khi sử dụng thuốc Podofilox, hãy cho bác sĩ biết tất cả các thuốc và sản phẩm khác bạn đang sử dụng
Trước khi sử dụng thuốc Podofilox, hãy cho bác sĩ biết tất cả các thuốc và sản phẩm khác bạn đang sử dụng

5. What are some other notes when using Podofilox?

Abuse of Podofilox can lead to overdose and serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, altered mental status, weakness or fatigue, unusually slow breathing and convulsions, even fainting or difficulty breathing.
If you have missed a dose of Podofilox, use it as soon as you remember if it is not time for your next dose. Conversely, if it is time for your next dose of Podofilox, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as usual.
To prevent the drug Podofilox from being degraded leading to quality deterioration and possibly losing the required therapeutic and safety effects, you need to store the drug in the conditions as directed.
To ensure safety and avoid side effects of Podofilox, patients should carefully read the instructions before using or follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist. In case the use of Podofilox is not effective, the patient should go to the medical facility for examination and treatment.

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References: webmd.com, rxlist.com, drugs.com
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