How to cure a baby's cough?

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The article was consulted with Master, Doctor Doan Ngoc Quynh Tram - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
A child's cough may not be cause for concern as the cough can be caused by the common cold or even by allergies. However, as over-the-counter cough and cold medicines are not recommended for children under 6 years of age, including infants. Parents need to equip themselves with home remedies for cough for babies to quickly use when needed if the cough keeps the child up at night.

1. Home remedies for children's cough

Colds and coughs are the most common health problems in children that form year-round. When it comes to the problem, there is absolutely no cure - no antibiotics, no syrups and no pills. However, there are a number of home remedies that can help relieve coughing, sneezing, and wheezing throughout the day.
When it comes to cough, there are two types namely dry cough and productive cough. While a productive cough is a condition where there is mucus in the throat and nose area, a dry cough has the opposite effect, i.e. no phlegm. The remedies for both types of cough are sometimes different.
Children can become infected by being exposed to pathogens that are spread through the air when someone coughs or sneezes or through direct contact with someone who is sick. So, the first and most important thing to do is to maintain hygiene and wash your hands often. Despite taking precautions, if your child still has a cold and cough, here are some effective home remedies that parents can try to help relieve their cough.

Cảm lạnh và ho là những vấn đề sức khỏe phổ biến nhất ở trẻ em hình thành quanh năm
Cảm lạnh và ho là những vấn đề sức khỏe phổ biến nhất ở trẻ em hình thành quanh năm

2. How to cure cough for babies

Breast milk There is no better cure or cure than the only natural food for the newborn - breast milk .
Indeed, breast milk acts as a remedy for any infection in infants up to six months of age. Frequent feedings also help soothe a baby's cough, and newborns feel more comfortable around the mother's touch.
Nasal drops This is very good for babies who have both a cough and a stuffy nose. Your pediatrician can prescribe over-the-counter nasal drops that are available at the pharmacy. However, parents can also make saline nose drops at home, in case of an emergency by using a sterilized spoon, mixing 1⁄2 teaspoons of salt and 8 teaspoons of warm filtered water in a bowl. sterilize.
Keep the child's head tilted when instilling saline into the child's nostrils so that the saline does not come out. In addition, only use homemade physiological saline in an emergency because it is easy to get bacteria.
Turmeric Turmeric has been praised for its healing properties for centuries now.
By mixing some turmeric with warm water to form a puree and then apply this mixture on the chest, forehead and soles of the feet. Wash it off after a while. The heat from turmeric will help thin the mucus when the child coughs with phlegm and help the phlegm to flow out more easily.
Massage with warm mustard oil Warm a cup of mustard oil with two cloves of garlic. Massage this oil onto your baby's feet, chest, back, and palms. Wipe off excess oil with a cloth.

3. How to cure cough for children by age

3.1. Home remedies for coughs that are appropriate for children 9 months of age and older:

Palm sugar, cumin, black pepper This concoction can soothe colds, coughs and sore throats. The following ingredients are needed:
Palm sugar – 1 or 2 teaspoons.
Black pepper - 1 to 2 seeds.
Fennel seeds - a pinch.
Water – 1 cup.
Mix all ingredients and boil water. Cool and filter the water for the child to drink. Do not drink more than two teaspoons of sugar water because jaggery and pepper are thermogenic, only good for children in small proportions.
Coconut oil massage This method requires the following ingredients:
1/2 cup coconut oil.
1 onion.
1 betel nut.
Heat coconut oil and add other ingredients. When the ingredients are warm enough, turn off the stove. Let it cool and when the oil has reached a sub-zero temperature, apply it to your baby's chest, back, soles, and palms.

Hãy thoa dầu dừa ấm lên ngực, lưng, lòng bàn chân và lòng bàn tay của em bé để chữa ho.
Hãy thoa dầu dừa ấm lên ngực, lưng, lòng bàn chân và lòng bàn tay của em bé để chữa ho.

3.2. Home remedies for cough are suitable for children aged 1 year and over

Honey It is important to avoid giving honey to children younger than one year old because of the inability of the digestive tract to dissolve some of the raw honey particles. However, when over 12 months old, honey is a great remedy to fight the germs that spread colds and coughs. This remedy can be combined with pepper, dried ginger and lemon juice for amazing results.
Turmeric milk Turmeric milk is an effective cough remedy for dry cough not only for children but also for adults. Give your child a glass of milk mixed with a little turmeric in the evening, jaggery can be added to sweeten. What's more, milk and turmeric make a healthy and nutritious combination.
Citrus juices Give your baby frequent sips of juice containing Vitamin C, such as lemons or oranges. Vitamin C fights germs that spread colds.
Gargle Have your child gargle with warm water or salt water twice or thrice a day to relieve a sore throat and cough. Doing this regularly will bring quick results.

3.3. Cough remedies for children of all different age groups

Steam This is a natural way to help children relieve stuffy noses and irritation of the airways.
Parents can run a hot shower in the bathroom and let the steam fill the room. After turning off the faucet, bring your baby into the room. The steam will help ease coughs in babies.
In addition, sauna can also be used for both older children or young children. Avoid using boiled water for inhalation as it can be dangerous if the child falls over. In addition, using a steam generator or a humidifier is also a recommended option.
Elevate the baby's head Elevating the baby's head while sleeping helps to stabilize the baby's breathing flow, avoiding interruptions and irritating coughs.
Wear appropriate clothing Cold environments become breeding grounds for germs that cause colds and coughs. If your child has only a mild cold and cough, keep them warm.
Replenish water Pay attention to keep your child hydrated at all times when he has a cough such as drinking extra warm water, breast milk if an infant or any other liquid.
Some children may not feel comfortable eating solid foods when they have a cold or cough. Instead, liquid food will help provide the child's body with necessary nutrients, help strengthen the child's immune system as well as easier for children to consume.
Nasal aspirator If the child often has severe nasal congestion and the child coughs with phlegm, it is best for parents to buy a nasal aspirator. When the baby is too young to consciously sneeze, the nasal aspirator will quickly suck the mucus out without causing discomfort or harm to the baby, reducing the stimulus that causes coughing.

Máy hút hút giúp hút chất nhầy ra ngoài mà không gây khó chịu cho bé, giảm được kích thích gây ho.
Máy hút hút giúp hút chất nhầy ra ngoài mà không gây khó chịu cho bé, giảm được kích thích gây ho.

4. Some Do's and Don'ts When Your Child Has a Cough

Give your child the appropriate cold and cough medicine for his or her age. Don't ignore cold or cough symptoms; this could signal a more serious condition such as pneumonia. Don't panic or worry excessively when your baby coughs and doesn't stop crying. Try the above home remedies for coughs, especially at night and during emergencies. Consult your pediatrician if you notice something unusual, such as your child's cough with green sputum. Don't ignore your child's high fever and consult your pediatrician immediately. Please avoid using ingredients to which your baby is allergic. Pay attention to the child's bedroom temperature, not too hot or too cold. Wash and thoroughly wash your child's hands with soap and water to avoid spreading germs from different surfaces. When your baby turns 1 year old, offer foods rich in phytochemicals, such as dark green, yellow, and red fruits and vegetables. Teach your child to sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of their elbow, not the palm of their hand. Germs will stick around your hands, infecting them again, making it easier to catch a cold or cough. Give your child enough exercise regularly to help strengthen his or her immunity. If a cold and cough persists for more than a week, take your child to see your pediatrician to confirm if it's a common cold or a symptom of something else. In summary, keep in mind that children are very susceptible to colds and coughs due to their underdeveloped immune and respiratory systems, typically at least 6 to 12 times per year. With the above cough remedies for babies, parents can be more confident in their children's coughs. However, it is still important to pay attention to improving children's resistance, including hygiene and nutrition, which are part of comprehensive health care, helping children to withstand the factors that cause cough and cold. ordinary cold.
In case the child has a cough that does not go away for a long time, it is necessary to take the child to a reputable medical facility for examination. Vinmec International General Hospital, with a team of leading pediatric doctors and modern equipment, is an address that many parents trust in the treatment of children's diseases, such as cough with phlegm, cough with wheezing. wheezing, high fever, pneumonia,...
In addition, parents should also add some supportive foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, vitamins. group B, ... helps to fully meet the needs of nutrients, at the same time, supports the immune system, enhances resistance, reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, flu.
Lysine is very necessary for the development of children, Lysine promotes the production of digestive enzymes to stimulate children to eat better and digest easily and effectively, increase food metabolism, maximize absorption of nutrients. Nutrition from food.Strengthening lysine for babies helps the body create antibodies, develop resistance to help reduce cough, thin phlegm in children.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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