How does magnesium affect children's sleep?

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Children need good nutrition for healthy growth and development. However, many parents find finding the right balance to create delicious meals and provide their child with the nutrition they need is more difficult than they think. Some children struggle with behavioral problems due to nutritional deficiencies, which can make parental efforts more difficult. One of the most common nutrient deficiencies in children is magnesium.
Video content is professionally consulted by MSc. Dr. Pham Lan Huong, Pediatrician, Vinmec Times City General Hospital

1. The importance of magnesium in young sleep

Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps the body perform many different functions, participating in more than 300 metabolic processes. Magnesium has the following effects:
Maintains a healthy immune system Regulates muscle and nerve function Ensures stable blood pressure and keeps bones strong Manages blood sugar Needs for protein production and energy Recently, Magnesium has been recommended for better sleep. This nutrient plays an important role in regulating sleep, helping the body relax and even improving symptoms of insomnia.
Two of the most common consequences of magnesium deficiency that are closely related are anxiety and insomnia. Magnesium helps the body activate ATP (voice: aê pe) in cells, allowing cells to create and use energy. It also helps regulate nerve and muscle function while also regulating stress hormone levels. As a result, low magnesium levels in the body can lead to feelings of restlessness, especially when trying to sleep. Low magnesium levels can also make it harder to calm down when you're feeling anxious. Many children with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, often have sleep problems and high anxiety. These children have low magnesium levels, which aggravate sleep disturbances.

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Sự quan trọng của magie trong giấc ngủ trẻ như thế nào?

2. Magnesium supplements for children

Natural magnesium supplements are one of the simplest ways to help the body deal with anxiety, as well as improve sleep. Magnesium helps the brain produce GABA (voice: gaba), a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of calmer during stressful moments, and calms our minds when it's time for bed. Because magnesium promotes healthy muscle and nerve activity, increasing magnesium intake helps our bodies feel good before bed.
Besides, supplementing with products containing magnesium is an option, but sometimes causes gastrointestinal discomfort such as diarrhea, stomach cramps. In very large doses, magnesium can be toxic.
For natural magnesium, you can choose from some of the best magnesium-containing foods including dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, meats, whole grains and dairy products.
Some magnesium-rich foods you should try:
1/2 cup whole grains: 93 mg 31 grams dry roasted cashews: 74 mg 1/4 cup oil-roasted peanuts: 63 mg 1 cup soy milk, plain: 61 mg 1 tablespoon almond butter: 45 mg 1/4 cup cooked spinach: 39 mg 1 packet of instant oatmeal: 36 mg 1/4 cup black beans: 30 mg 1 tablespoon smooth peanut butter: 25 mg 1 slice whole-wheat bread: 23 mg 1/2 cup plain low-fat yogurt: 21 mg 1/4 cup brown rice: 21 mg 1/2 medium banana: 16 mg The amount of magnesium in foods may vary. depending on serving size or brand. Note that nuts and whole grains pose a choking hazard for young children, and nut butters should be crushed for the same reason. Other foods (such as beans) should be crushed.
Children may eat more or less than the recommended amount, depending on their age and appetite. Estimate the nutrient content to suit the needs of the child. Accordingly, the amount of magnesium children need to supplement is:
Children 1 to 3 years old: 80 milligrams (mg) per day Children 4 to 8 years old: 130 mg per day. Your child doesn't need to get enough magnesium every day. Instead, parents can aim to get the average recommended amount of magnesium over a few days or a week.

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