Nutritional value of crayfish

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Crayfish, also known as red lobsters, are native to North America. Crayfish meat and bricks have a sweet taste, high protein content. However, due to its unique characteristics, this shrimp species has been identified as a dangerous and non-propagating alien species developed in Vietnam.

1. What is crayfish?

Crayfish, scientifically known as Cherax quadricarinatus, belongs to the group of shrimp native to North America and distributed naturally on many continents. There are more than 300 species of crayfish around the world, they have a life like crabs and fishes. Unlike lobsters, crayfish live in warm freshwater environments, can grow quickly and tolerate drought. The average size of this shrimp species is from 5.5–12 cm (2.2-4.7 in), weight over 50g, average life span of five years.
In Vietnam, crayfish is called by many different names such as red lobster (due to its eye-catching dark red color), spiny lobster, freshwater lobster... According to Dr. Bui Quang Te, Research Institute Aquaculture I, crayfish were raised experimentally in Phu Tho province in 2012. However, after determining this is a dangerous alien species, scientists suggest not to breed crayfish in Vietnam. .

2. Nutritional value of crayfish

Visually, crayfish is a beautiful dish with its red color and long claws. The meat and bricks of crayfish are sweet and fatty, different from other seafood. Although the proportion of meat only accounts for about 15% of the shrimp weight, the nutritional value of crayfish is very high, the shrimp meat is fatty, sweet, and rich in protein. Shrimp shell is sturdy but when steamed, boiled the shell easily comes off, not as tough as shrimp or hard as sea crab.
Like other seafood, crayfish is a good source of low-fat protein, essential vitamins and minerals. Each kg of crayfish contains 14g of protein, 70 calories, 115mg of cholesterol and other nutrients such as Vitamin B6, B12, carbohydrates... Eating crayfish helps you to have healthy eyes, supplement nutrients for the nervous system. , liver, hair and skin. In addition, the rich source of phosphorus, magnesium and zinc in crayfish meat helps to strengthen bones, strengthen muscles and support nerve activity.
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3. Why is crayfish banned from breeding despite its high nutritional value?

Although the nutritional value of crayfish is high, with its rapid spread, crayfish can become a "catastrophe" for Vietnam's agriculture and ecosystem.
With big and strong claws, crayfish can cut across rice stalks, eat shrimp, small fish, young plant buds, in addition, this is also the cause of spreading white spot virus to shrimp ponds. Professor Dang Huy Huynh - Director of the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources said: "Crayfish can eat all aquatic life, competing with other organisms for food. If crayfish invade, the typical fish and shrimp species of Vietnam may disappear.
Due to the adverse effects on the ecosystem, crayfish has been included in the list of alien species banned from import, developed since 2003. Vietnam's distribution, farming and trading of crayfish is a violation of the Law on Diversity. biological and will be handled in accordance with Vietnamese law.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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