What are the health benefits of psyllium?

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What is the effect of plantain tree is a common question of many people. This is a familiar herb in Eastern medicine. Plantain contains vitamins C, K used to decoct drinking water can help diuretic, diuretic, anti-cough...

1. What is a psyllium tree?

In Eastern medicine, plantain is also known as "monodon", the scientific name is Plantago asiatica. Plantain belongs to the group of herbaceous plants, which reproduce by branching or by seed. The tree is about 10-15 cm tall, the leaves are spoon-shaped and the veins are arched.

2. Pharmacological components in plantain

It has been compared that 100g of plantain leaves contain the same amount of vitamin A as a carrot. The leaves of the plant are rich in calcium and minerals useful for the body.
Glucoside is abundant in psyllium stalks. Psyllium leaves have a bitter taste, contain mucilage and vitamins C and K.

3. What is the effect of the plantain tree?

"What is the effect of plantain tree" is interested by many people. Here are some typical effects of plantain:
Diuretic Diuretic Diuretic Anti-ulcer Except phlegm Anti cough Anti dysentery... Plantain is applied in many Traditional Medicine remedies to treat cough, sputum, bronchitis, nephritis, cystitis, urinary tract stones, urinary frequency, yellow urine, bloody urine, hepatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer disease, ....

Cây mã đề có tác dụng gì là thắc mắc của nhiều người
Cây mã đề có tác dụng gì là thắc mắc của nhiều người

4. Medicines from psyllium help support the treatment of diseases

Acute glomerulonephritis:
Plantain helps to quickly improve the condition of the disease. People use plantain, ephedra, plaster to make medicine, big apple, cinnamon and licorice 6g mixed together. Every day, drink 1 ladder regularly. Chronic glomerulonephritis:
Codex 16g Phuc Linh 12g Hoang Ba 12g Soybean roots 12g Hoang Lien need 12g Wood pine needs 8g Tru Linh 8g Mix well, take every day for 1 month regularly.
Acute cystitis:
Code 16g Hoang Lien 12g Phuc Linh need 12g Hoang Ba measure an amount of 12g Tru Linh will have 8g Grass roots, pine needles need 8g Semi-limited and talc Mix together, every day color 1 month drink regularly.
Acute urinary tract infections:
20g plantain 15g dandelion 15g royal dandelion 15g Licorice leaves Other herbs such as: Kim money, cinnabar, useful model, grass roots and licorice Mix well, Every day decoction 1 ladder drink regularly within 10 days.
Acute pyelonephritis:
50g of fresh psyllium 50g of fresh grass roots Half a kilo of fresh wickergrass Sac for drinking water every day for 1 month (divided into 2 drinks), used for 5-7 days.
Hot lung disease and persistent cough:
Fresh psyllium 20g-50g washed thoroughly every day divided into 3 drinks, it is best to drink hot each time 3 hours apart. Viral hepatitis:
20g psyllium 40g bare kernels 20g apricot leaves 20g dried small Thai chives, excellent for drinking water.

Cây mã đề có tác dụng chữa bệnh viêm bàng quang
Cây mã đề có tác dụng chữa bệnh viêm bàng quang

5. Things to note when using plantain tree

Do not use plantain too often or use it for refreshment purposes, because psyllium has a very good diuretic effect. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the use of code water in the evening to avoid frequent urination at night.
Women who are in pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months, are advised by experts not to use plantain juice, because they can lead to miscarriage. Absolutely do not use psyllium water with subjects with weak kidneys or chronic kidney failure.

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